Message from @Kraken
Discord ID: 659671078624559114
I switched from peanut butter once I realized that it was pretty unhealthy.
it tastes terrible
I used to eat it because it’s good
It we stopped getting it
So I no longer eat it
It’s yummy
Look y’all get one life, if you enjoy peanut butter, then eat it. Enjoy your life
If you wanna switch, that’s your decision
Okay so like Skippys peanut butter and Jiff are good. I hate chunky peanut butter though
It is good, no denying that.
But just unhealthy unfortunately.
I like ones with real oils at the top.
i cant wrap my head around the hate for peanut butter, just like many will never understand how disgusting guacamole is to me
its like someone blew their nose on my food
the only issue I have with peanuts are aflatoxins. These are probably the most carcinogenic natural compounds known.
they are produced by strains of Aspergillus which grow in the soil
pretty much all peanuts get some level of aflatoxins and there are limits placed on them for import/export. and different countries/regions have different cutoff levels for import.
makes me appreciate the people who pioneered the experiment of consuming peanuts. its an odd thought. people had to roll a dice on whether anything was edible.
IKR. just look up a list of poisonous berries. that has to be the most painful scenario of trial and error in all of history
speaking of painful
have y'all heard of Justin Schmidt?
he's a guy who got stung by like
80 different insects
just to rate how painful each sting is
ahhh, i see
bullet ant?
Pepsis wasp?
most say that those two are the worst
I caught a pepsis wasp once. just cause
bullet ants are a 4+ and "Pure, intense, brilliant pain. Like fire-walking over flaming charcoal with a 3-inch rusty nail in your heel"
sounds like a description in a masochist's menu lol
like this dude.
I wonder how he walks around with balls that big....
man if I saw that thing on my arm
you would hear my yell for 500 miles