Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 667632462788296709
you got it!
...thats not how planes works
sure in world war 2 anything can happen i guess
but in modern days
thats hard
i dont even have a ceiling light
the amount of fame one would get for blowing such a conspiracy open would be enough for someone to do it, $ isn't going to work on everybody
"Consider: In all heavier-than-air jet planes (like Jumbo Jets), if one or multiple jet engines fail, only one jet engine is required stay in the air! There is no explanation yet from Boeing (or NASA) as to how Jumbo Jets can stay in the air with only a SINGLE ENGINE operating on one (not both) wings. Remember the movie Memphis Belle (1990)? Remember at the end of the movie, the B-17 Bomber was flying with only a single engine operating only one wing? Why didn’t the plane immediately drop to one side?"
This person doesn't know how airplanes work
Engines only provide forward thrust, the wings themselves give the lift, on the same principle as sailboats
I’m not responding to the ‘if’ scenario. Just sharing something else.
well said it's not the thruster that maneuvers the airplane but it's the elevator, aileron, spoiler, fllaps and rudder which moves it either up, down, left or right
for lift to happen there must be the thrust happening and the aileron, flaps, spoiler and elevator all activated
yes, accurate
one engine is enough to provide sufficient thrust to keep a plane airborne
why is the earth flat
plz someone
It’s what we observe, measure, and experiment with in reality.
but its round
@Derek Nelson is that all you have
That’s literally all I need. That’s what proof requires.
How am I supposed to know what you mean?
Am I just supposed to assume your gender too?
Omg, what a bigot you are.
What about gravity
my man derek nelson
Wait, you don't believe in gravity? What about the tides? The interaction between the Earth and the Moon sort of proves that gravity exists.
Tides aren’t really explainable in any scenario. They’re a phenomenon. And gravity requires a belief. When the earth is flat, we don’t have to believe that.