Message from @ZeroT

Discord ID: 670682078232313890

2020-01-25 17:29:21 UTC  

If it would be only archimedes principle

2020-01-25 17:29:31 UTC  


2020-01-25 17:29:32 UTC  

It wouldn't have a clear direction to fall at

2020-01-25 17:29:44 UTC  

prove that things fall towards the core

2020-01-25 17:29:45 UTC  

im waiting

2020-01-25 17:29:52 UTC  

I just did

2020-01-25 17:29:53 UTC  

The core is the center of the earth

2020-01-25 17:29:55 UTC  

mettachump is controldoppo

2020-01-25 17:30:00 UTC  

drop something

2020-01-25 17:30:02 UTC  

It’ll fall

2020-01-25 17:30:02 UTC  

you cannot prove anyting

2020-01-25 17:30:08 UTC  

And no one's gonna answer me

2020-01-25 17:30:08 UTC  


2020-01-25 17:30:11 UTC  

Can you listen

2020-01-25 17:30:13 UTC  

For once

2020-01-25 17:30:27 UTC  

You have a tube

2020-01-25 17:30:34 UTC  

With consistant air pressure

2020-01-25 17:30:53 UTC  

The density above and below the object is the same

2020-01-25 17:31:03 UTC  

What force is telling the thing to fall down

2020-01-25 17:31:08 UTC  

Towards the ground

2020-01-25 17:31:12 UTC  

Why not upwards

2020-01-25 17:31:41 UTC  

you're the one putting the claim that things fall toward the core, please prove it

2020-01-25 17:31:53 UTC  


2020-01-25 17:31:57 UTC  

He never made that claim

2020-01-25 17:32:01 UTC  

It doesn't matter for this experiment

2020-01-25 17:32:12 UTC  

I just want you to answer this question

2020-01-25 17:32:20 UTC  

you first made the claim that things fall due to density, you need to prove it

2020-01-25 17:32:21 UTC  

Because without the exsistance of gravity

2020-01-25 17:32:22 UTC  

😴 still waiting

2020-01-25 17:32:31 UTC  

πŸ’€ still waiting for gravity to be proven

2020-01-25 17:32:52 UTC  

πŸ’¨ still waiting

2020-01-25 17:32:54 UTC  

Archimedes principle makes A. no sense and would B. never show things fall down in a container with clear defined density

2020-01-25 17:32:57 UTC  

still waiting for you to prove your claim @He Cute

2020-01-25 17:33:00 UTC  


2020-01-25 17:33:05 UTC  

Instead of discussing

2020-01-25 17:33:11 UTC  


2020-01-25 17:33:21 UTC  

Just pathetic

2020-01-25 17:33:22 UTC  

they do, take anything that is denser than the medium it is and it will fall

2020-01-25 17:33:38 UTC  

2020-01-25 17:33:41 UTC  

Why down?