Message from @yue jo
Discord ID: 679329332086177802
i think you just explained the majority of everything i wanted to know
The earth may be flat but is it flat chested?
Gays am I right?
it is dlat
Whats the debate about anyways
Does it get colder the more you walk away from the center of the flat earth?
Or is it colder the farther you are from the equator
nice question for flat eathers mate
Dumb question
Maybe maybe not but if the sun is smaller than the earth wouldn’t that mean that it was spinning faster around
But I see what you trying to say because there’s ice on the outside that means there must be a cold temperature in the end
So possibly yes
and also, how do you flat earthers explain the orbit of the sun anyways, since you don't believe in gravity
How’s it dumb
I’m asking where in the flat earth is colder
And where is hotter
Is the hottest point in the center of flat earth??
The equator is still the warmest on the FE model.
Why’s there ice on the side of the equator
I mean where warm and cold is matter more about geography
A little side thing if anyone wishes to debate with me
The Bible story about the apple is a disgusting story where a crazy punishment is levied against those who don't know any better.
If anyone wants to try to say otherwise, I'm open to debate
Dont know wtf you guys are on about but the equator is the warmest area on both models
So how does the earth end
Arctic and Antarctic are coldest area
Who says it ends?
If it's flat it has to end somewhere
So where do you think it ends?
I don't know