Message from @Oceanic

Discord ID: 680812535590420486

2020-02-22 16:16:14 UTC  

Do you not believe in gravity either?

2020-02-22 16:16:28 UTC  

so now you dont have a physical horizon how do you assert you live on a spinning water ball still?

2020-02-22 16:17:09 UTC  

I’ll get back to you on that one, but next point. A flat earth would collapse on itself.

2020-02-22 16:17:28 UTC  

And why would all these countries lie?

2020-02-22 16:17:41 UTC  

2020-02-22 16:17:52 UTC  

Some are trying to kill each other.

2020-02-22 16:18:05 UTC  

And you think they’d work together to hide the shape of the earth?

2020-02-22 16:18:14 UTC  

What would spaceX have to gain here?

2020-02-22 16:18:43 UTC  

What about the day/night cycle?

2020-02-22 16:18:53 UTC  

Does the sun go below or something?

2020-02-22 16:19:08 UTC  

Or do you think it goes around the flat earth?

2020-02-22 16:22:00 UTC  

you asseetions are meaningless when youve actual physical observable evidence, start again from scratch objectively.

2020-02-22 16:23:11 UTC  

You can’t just ignore my questions.

2020-02-22 16:23:28 UTC  

I can, until you accept reality your assertions are silly.

2020-02-22 16:24:08 UTC  

Heh. I should’ve expected as much. Flat earthers avoiding questions they can’t answer.

2020-02-22 16:24:24 UTC  

you are avoiding reality, so theres that

2020-02-22 16:24:49 UTC  

I’m not the one claiming the planet is flat here.

2020-02-22 16:25:01 UTC  

If anyone’s avoiding reality, it’s you.

2020-02-22 16:25:08 UTC  

Are you religous?

2020-02-22 16:25:11 UTC  

nor am I, the observations and measurements are, that science 😉

2020-02-22 16:25:57 UTC  

We’ve taken measurements before, and we have proof. All you do is call it fake, only believing sources that side with you.

2020-02-22 16:26:07 UTC  

What’s that called again? Oh, cherry-picking.

2020-02-22 16:26:25 UTC  

sorry if the facts dont fit your delusions.

2020-02-22 16:26:26 UTC  

2020-02-22 16:26:38 UTC  

I’d say the same to you.

2020-02-22 16:26:53 UTC  

ytou cannot even tell me what a tangent is, so theres that

2020-02-22 16:27:03 UTC  


2020-02-22 16:27:16 UTC  

A tangent is what you’re going on right now, avoiding my questions.

2020-02-22 16:27:42 UTC  

A tangent is actually the correct direction a function at any given time.

2020-02-22 16:27:50 UTC  

But you can’t just avoid my questions.

2020-02-22 16:27:57 UTC  

Ive answerted all of your questions, its flat 😉

2020-02-22 16:28:06 UTC  

You haven’t.

2020-02-22 16:28:22 UTC  

Day and night cycle only work on a flat earth

2020-02-22 16:28:22 UTC  

How does the day night cycle work on your flat earth?

2020-02-22 16:28:30 UTC  


2020-02-22 16:28:46 UTC  

Sun moves away from you, its perspective, convergence of lines

2020-02-22 16:29:02 UTC

2020-02-22 16:29:08 UTC

2020-02-22 16:29:17 UTC

2020-02-22 16:31:02 UTC  

On your first diagram, it’s false.

2020-02-22 16:31:11 UTC  

The higher lines would see a farther horizon.