Message from @TheEarthIsROUND
Discord ID: 655484029381902357
please allow me to upload pictures
ok. then go with the spinning ball
i have some that might be interesting
no thanks. I probably have them. I've been studying this for 6yrs
plus it's not going to help
you aren't listening
how old are you flat earth phd
between 40 and 50
maybe we should create a level of difficulty in books below the "for babies" that says "for flat earthers"
you don't even know your age?
i didn't say anything wrong
only the 'truth' as you might call it
I will be right back everyone🥺
hahah ur using discord from retirement home 😂
Easiest way to prove the earth is round...
Glass the middle east. You have to setup angles of impact and trajectories. And those require taking into account the curvature of the earth.
!mute @angel
wow that was rude
yes he was
go to civil debate if you wish to debate, this channel is only for questions about flat earth
no i mean banning someone only because he made a joke
ok sorry
ill go there
Yeah... typical BS of a flat earther. Ban anyone they don't like or agree with .
no. just bad behavior
like name calling/teasing/trolling
last warning guys
I don't care what others believe.
Is telling the truth trolling?
let's talk data
@Juno let's go to civil debate to destry them