Message from @Flat Earth PhD
Discord ID: 655491268457136147
ive never heard that expression🥺
but it makes sense spacially
btw, latitude means latteral which is a straight line
doesn't matter to us. we can only try
because we were all just like you before
we were all globers
if you have no interest to investigate further be it
hi guys
but then you lost a couple braincells (this is just a joke)
so i was wondering.
so what causes an eclipse?
we don't fully understand it. some theories. but no $$$$$$ to do research
we are doing the best we can
How does a person with a PhD in Chemistry believe the earth is flat? like seriously now. I'm not trolling or anything it is a serious question
we don't have $20 billion/yr
like nasa
@Juno have you ever walked with a compass? if you walk in a straight line that isn't north or south, the east or west will change and you always have to re-adjust.
or we could answer LOTS of questions
I would create a sweet R&D program
if you walk exactly west on the equator, it will never turn
heck I'm looking for $200k here in switzerland to do high altitude balloon experiments
also remember my friend @Deleted User @Juno ? He's been banned because they disagree with him
@Juno yes but that's no a straight line
And no one is funding you
but some theories include the existance of additional "black bodies" that cause the solar eclipse
not the moon
are you from switzerland or the united staates of america??🥺 Flat eaarth phd
walking along the equator, west is always a straight line
but again pure speculation at this point without the data.....
Why are there celestial bodies hovering over a disc
they are not solid objects
the moon is not a solid object
neither are the planets
they are lights
so why does the moon and the sun have the same emissions spectra?
ahah we have walked on the moon
that's why moon landings were faked
Is the earth infinite