Message from @Flat Earth PhD
Discord ID: 655492470309912576
multiple colors
with 3 other PhD scientists
at the top of one of the alps here
clear sky
no wind
Can radiation cool things off
how does light, electromagnetic radiation absorbed as infrared, which has been proved to heat objects, cool them? answer @Flat Earth PhD, answer
90% moon
what about the emissions spectra?
you can cool with light
]e.g. laser cooling
I quote @Amthyric : "so why does the moon and the sun have the same emissions spectra?"
MIT brought some material to near absolute zero
Does gravity exist
0 kelvin!!!
well, more absorption spectra now that I think about it
I'm gravity agnostic
light from the sun is electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet, visible light, and infrared spectrum
those heat thing up
look it up it's 7th grade physics
but it's not mututally exclusive to a flat-surfaced earth
But you dont know what
even if it's mass attracting mass I'm fine with it
not mutually exclusive
because we don't knwo what is underneath
@Flat Earth PhD do you know why the MIT lasers cooled it down?
@lunarEclipse they dont believe in physics
I remember
@danceonthey yes my friend @Deleted User agrees with you
@Flat Earth PhD do you remember the concept for laser cooling?
it's a quantum effect as I recall.
so how does it work?
like laser trapping
anyway...has been fun guys
and gals
i dont get this🥺