Message from @AerialSN1PER
Discord ID: 655734994496389127
probably not
they dont fly over antartica for safety reasons tho
its also why they dont fly over other like supa mountaineous terrains
They fly over the artic
I flew from amsterdam to new york on a curved flight path 🥺
yes i did
Maybe slightly curved
Not really curved
No it was curved 🥺
these are also interesting
It looks curve on a flat map
there are interviews with pilots, flight instructors, air traffic controllers...
flat earthers
Can you show me the flight path of your plane from amsterdam to new york
also in some of these servers
land surveyors who tell us they never have to calculate for Earth's curvature
it's not even part of their training
probably a good thing
Oh mr flat earth i can sortaa explain why they land like that
Thats not curved
Can you guys explain what happened when the flat earthers proved themselves wrong
if they were to have landed in hawaii rather than alaska
They had fences with a hole in them
they would have to fly over the curviest part
And someone would hold a light up
Then it didnt show up
and it takes just as long if not longer
because they land in alaska they are going over a less thick part
the documentary was staged
i cant use words very well sorry🥺
it was being used to discredit
and...they were filming an experiment for the first tie
Proof it was staged
the main reason they don't fly over Antartica is that in the case somehting goes wrong or whatever and they have to land or they crash they are in the middle of nowhere thousands of miles away from any help. By taking a longer route they don't take that risk.
you never do that