Message from @IXI
Discord ID: 655734261252489226
1) perspective and 2) interference
dust, moisture, etc...
there are simply limits
Ok i have a little question mr Flat earth 🥺
but if you get a clear enough day
Hold up let me get a YouTube clip
why are there curves in the flight paths of airplanes if according to the flat earth map straight line flights wud be da msot efficient🥺
they are mostly straight but sometimes have to curve bcs of traffic patterns. it's like a highway up there
Oh wait tHe GovErNmEnT is BlocKing It
but they're not tho 🥺 ?? can you show me some flight path picture please
they make much more sense on a flat earth model
is it possible for me to psate pictures
probably not
they dont fly over antartica for safety reasons tho
its also why they dont fly over other like supa mountaineous terrains
I flew from amsterdam to new york on a curved flight path 🥺
yes i did
Maybe slightly curved
Not really curved
No it was curved 🥺
these are also interesting
It looks curve on a flat map
there are interviews with pilots, flight instructors, air traffic controllers...
flat earthers
Can you show me the flight path of your plane from amsterdam to new york
also in some of these servers
land surveyors who tell us they never have to calculate for Earth's curvature
it's not even part of their training
I cant send pictures ffs
probably a good thing
Oh mr flat earth i can sortaa explain why they land like that