Message from @shakz7
Discord ID: 659081024986415105
Doesn’t sun set exist
Love how they just keep posting pictures of a globe Earth.
It's almost like... **I've seen this a million times!**
The sun moves forward.
Appearing to sink into the horizon due to perspective.
For that to happen then the sun must be extremely close
Which it is.
It's not 93 million miles away.
We would burn up
No because its smaller.
and not as hot
How far away is it?
maybe 700-1000 miles
Depending on season
Potentially 3000
Not 100% sure.
Diameter of around 32 miles
And no one has travelled to it because?
I mean we can’t go to the moon but we’ve have seen the Saturn V rocket launch
You'll burn up?
Maybe someone has
Who knows
How do tides work? The common theory is because of the moon and the spinning globe
what do you mean because of?@ChinaGirlNL
English isn't my mother language, but that's how the tides are there
Now I'm confused XD
moon therefore tides?
The moon attracts water and spins around the earth
The moons gravitational pull caused waves
Sometimes it would've been much easier to all just speak the same language
are you happy with thatexplanation
Earth is a dinosaur actually :/
I wonder how flat-earthers explain it
!mute @Lemen Troll.