Message from @chad46
Discord ID: 659507620385914881
his guess is as good as anyones
I bet you if I gave him 100k he would say I made him to say
he would say anything I asked to say I meant
That's practically his job? To say something in front of a camera and get paid? XD
even if its a lie?
especially if it's a lie
Fictional stories are all 'lies', that's why they are fun (real life is a little boring, why would you hire actors if you can just film the street?)
Why would you watch real life on tv if you can just get outside and see it in 3d? =P
Real life is more strange than any movie
You just dont go out a lot probably
am 31 years of age
and I have seen more than I should
I'm 15 XD
High school is a mess, but it's fun I guess... Sometimes
just don't let school interfere with your education
I failed as school to be honest
I failed at school lol
The reason why I would think about whether I like school or not is because of my friends and not because of the subjects
but I managed to move countries, and now I work in management
school isn't everything
I learned a different language
Start bugging your teachers for evidence for everything they say. oh if I could go back to school knowing what i know now...
my first is arabic
there is a lot of truth in fictional stories
Something else I like about school: be annoying if teachers tell false things
Or make spelling errors in Dutch class
```"What Im going to do here is teach you how to think. The goal here is to train your mind how to see the world differently. To question what others say.
I've come to realize that there is 3 categories of truth; personal truth, political truths and the objective truths that shape our understanding of the universe."
He thinks there is 3 truths
He teachs u how to.think
Science bro
My truth-list:
Personal truth: Sorry, didn't find out
Political truth: I don't like politics
Objective truths: Aren't they just facts?
he forgot non truths
Modern school models only serves to force and impose, it is a predetermined form of a teaching, these children are set up for office work, number crunching, marketing research and improving statistics so they can improve sales figures compared to the previous year. and this is all so that corporations who harm our planet and destroy our seas and our environment can make more money for the greedy banking elites, who pump some of that money into schools and continue this cycle of brainwashing and indoctrination
My brother became a primary school teacher after he finished, does that fall into the same category?
that means he failed
He has to act like all those kids are brain dead XD
"Don't be direct"