Message from @ibn la'ahad
Discord ID: 659512305310105621
_Rip, this might cause a discussion_
i have been to the houston nasa headquarters
like 5 or 6 times
I live way too far away
It's not like, I can go there with school
!warn @jojojojojojojojo
I live in the Netherlands, so yeah...
i watched the curiosity rover land on mars at the lyndon b johnson space center
so yeah i like nasa i suppose
!unmute @That Sick 🅱astard
!mute @jojojojojojojojo disrupting convo
@ibn la'ahad I wasn't trying to be offensive btw
Sorry if I offended you
assuming most of the way some speak here, am guessing your all teenagers except for the mods, I wonder what brings you all here
Just saying how I feel about the matter
And I was clear about my age
i just like laughing at idiots
!mute @malding_vibes
Don't say that lol
no problem sick b, your entitled to your opinion
tired of this crap
@malding_vibes if you like nasa why dont you preach the same as them
As I said though school has a lot of problems
he was preching about the size of mars
They need to be fixed
That's also a way to describe science
Especially the public school system
@ChinaGirlNL how sure are you the earth is a sphere? 100%?
just curious...