Message from @Σ5

Discord ID: 663056185280299008

2020-01-04 16:21:25 UTC  

!mute @Musko mutiny

2020-01-04 16:21:28 UTC  

2020-01-04 16:23:31 UTC  

@Slash globe map doesnt work. Its proportions are found to be inconsistent with real life due to the fact flight paths dont work and planes nevee fly over Antarctica.

Try getting an adult model of earth and stop pretending with your childs model and cgi renderings of the globe and Antarctica

2020-01-04 16:23:48 UTC  

I never said the globe map

2020-01-04 16:23:49 UTC  

They cant even agree on colors for the globe

2020-01-04 16:24:04 UTC  

I was talking about a flat map

2020-01-04 16:24:10 UTC  

Not a globe map

2020-01-04 16:24:40 UTC  

So your insults had no basis

2020-01-04 16:25:19 UTC  

How do globe earthers deal with the fact there is no pictures of the globe and flight paths debunk their map

2020-01-04 16:25:56 UTC  

There are many people saying flight paths do or do not debunk. So I don't go off of flight paths

2020-01-04 16:26:24 UTC

2020-01-04 16:26:41 UTC  

You should

2020-01-04 16:26:44 UTC  

^^has all the correct country sizes, distances, ect

2020-01-04 16:26:57 UTC  

Cuz planes never fly over Antarctica

2020-01-04 16:27:09 UTC  

And all pictures are fake

2020-01-04 16:27:41 UTC  

@Slash Alaska is SQUEEZE

2020-01-04 16:27:43 UTC  

I have flat maps with zero distortion

2020-01-04 16:28:04 UTC  

So what

2020-01-04 16:28:18 UTC  

Also, did you know there is a reason they can't fly over antartica?

2020-01-04 16:28:18 UTC  


2020-01-04 16:28:33 UTC  

you say it has zero distortion
Discern distorted over undistorted

2020-01-04 16:28:36 UTC  

Yes because it would debunk the globe

2020-01-04 16:28:45 UTC  

Because there is a rule that says planes must be able to reach an airport within an hour in case of emergency

2020-01-04 16:29:17 UTC  

Because its not a continent

2020-01-04 16:29:26 UTC  

Thats the answer

2020-01-04 16:29:37 UTC  


2020-01-04 16:29:41 UTC  

And also, other planes do go over antartica, just not commercial planes because they need to be close to help in case of emergancy

2020-01-04 16:29:45 UTC  

Its a ring

2020-01-04 16:29:55 UTC  


2020-01-04 16:30:02 UTC  

Can y’all be quiet for a second, notifications are driving me nuts

2020-01-04 16:30:26 UTC  
2020-01-04 16:30:36 UTC  

@WeLoveTheEarth mute this channel

2020-01-04 16:31:51 UTC  

Nah I’m playing

2020-01-04 16:32:38 UTC  

autism is breaching levels we have not imagined is possible

2020-01-04 16:33:57 UTC  


2020-01-04 16:34:00 UTC  


2020-01-04 16:34:05 UTC  
2020-01-04 16:34:05 UTC  

2020-01-04 16:34:34 UTC  

Why did you mute him? I'm a little confused

2020-01-04 16:34:45 UTC  

I was laughing at that