Message from @Junky

Discord ID: 664092403975585822

2020-01-07 09:13:11 UTC  


2020-01-07 09:19:34 UTC  

@ARMIE there’s no evidence of 24 hour sunlight in Antarctica

2020-01-07 09:25:17 UTC  
2020-01-07 09:49:21 UTC  

@Drewski4343 Yes it could mean that, didn't think about it that way, but the 106 clearly says the earth is level plain

2020-01-07 10:04:51 UTC  

@PhoenixAshes That is 18:86, its talking about cyrus the great when he reached a place where the sun is setting in an area of muddy spring and found a people who were very difficult to communicate with, when the sun sets it moves towards a vanishing point and that is all its alluding to, it's does not say the sun sinks (Ta Gharqu), it says (Ta Ghrubu) which means sets and the word can also mean to disappear from sight.

2020-01-07 10:14:14 UTC

2020-01-07 10:14:21 UTC

2020-01-07 10:14:28 UTC

2020-01-07 10:16:31 UTC

2020-01-07 10:16:49 UTC

2020-01-07 10:16:54 UTC  

@Flat Earth PhD It says the same thing in the Quran, Their is both water above and underneath us, check this video out

2020-01-07 10:17:30 UTC

2020-01-07 11:16:15 UTC

2020-01-07 12:09:00 UTC  

Nice I'm back.

2020-01-07 12:13:08 UTC  

So, now that I'm not muted I can explain it in more detail.

It seems like you had a problem with it holding down "individual molicules" howeber, the earth's gravity is distributed fairly evenly, and effects all objects no matter their weight the same. This is why things with different weights still fall at the same speed.

When air rushes to in-and-out from the coastside, this is because it's traveling to the place where it finds least resistance. While normally air would rush into an empty void, it is meeting a reistance because of gravity. Due to no outside force pulling stronger on the air molicules than the earth's gravity does, they stay in the atmosphere.

I hope this clears up what I was trying to say.

Edit-I saw that someone said along the times of "isn't the beach breezy because air rushes to where there is less air" the breeze is not caused because of lack of air in areas, all areas would have about the same amount of air, the breeze happens because the water cools the air, and then this cool air falls. The sun warms the air on the beach, and this cool air rises, due to this, the cold air "slips" under the warm air giving you a cool breeze.

2020-01-07 12:15:16 UTC  

I read and saw that I was muted for perhaps being a troll, this is mostly to show that I had a true point behind my posts, just that I did not explain it well.
Looking back st how poorly I worded my posts I see how it can seem troll-y

2020-01-07 12:52:33 UTC  

Its hard to grasp, but west is just the direction as is east.

2020-01-07 12:53:59 UTC  


2020-01-07 13:28:39 UTC

2020-01-07 14:37:48 UTC  

hello fellow flat earthers

2020-01-07 14:37:58 UTC  


2020-01-07 14:38:09 UTC  

how are you doing today?

2020-01-07 14:51:15 UTC  

are you a flat earther? convince me

2020-01-07 14:51:36 UTC  


2020-01-07 14:54:40 UTC  

He definitely real

2020-01-07 14:54:44 UTC  


2020-01-07 14:58:11 UTC  

my ex wife kicked me out because i said that australians aren’t real, they’re all paid actors. the earth is fly this australia is non existent. soz. that’s why no one has ever been to australia. spider land and crocodiles in beaches is not real guys. nasa and government wants to fool us normatoids to believe in their bullcrap however i’m not a dumbass so i don’t believe. my kids don’t want to talk to me, they say that i’m crazy and ugly but i don’t care. i’m so glad i found this server, no one would believe my ideologies on the other. if the earth is round then why don’t we fall into space???????????????

2020-01-07 15:03:49 UTC  

Do not mention that FES website agin pls, it was set up to discredit FE, ty

2020-01-07 15:04:12 UTC  

11. No Flat Earth Society or any other controlled obvious opposition allowed.

2020-01-07 15:05:23 UTC  


2020-01-07 15:07:14 UTC  

it's in the <#484513575801454593>

2020-01-07 15:07:43 UTC  

no trolling here. go to another server if you want to do that

2020-01-07 15:07:52 UTC  

not tolerated here

2020-01-07 15:08:55 UTC  

Terrible troll.

2020-01-07 15:09:15 UTC  

It really is easy to spot trolls like him

2020-01-07 15:09:39 UTC  

No real flat earther believes Australia isn't real, do your research next time before you troll people @iknowitwheniseeit

2020-01-07 15:09:42 UTC  


2020-01-07 15:09:57 UTC  

Yeah isn't there a training program for this?