Message from @Alexxx

Discord ID: 665891643496595479

2020-01-12 11:57:16 UTC  

ok. other than trolls, are the ppl in this servers with opinions that can be talked about?

2020-01-12 12:00:42 UTC  

well u act like trolls but ok

2020-01-12 12:01:34 UTC  

would you explain to me the expected movement of the sun in the sky for an observer on a normal day on a flat earth?

2020-01-12 12:02:17 UTC  

i have an issue with that because a) we observe the sun in a straight line; b) on an flat earth, the path would always be circular.

2020-01-12 12:02:47 UTC  

🤪 ohboy. ok.

2020-01-12 12:04:10 UTC  

that might be right ofc, but the trolling isnt any better

2020-01-12 12:04:46 UTC  

its somewhere between ages 5 and 7 troll level

2020-01-12 12:04:52 UTC  

u dont know how to spell hole? nice

2020-01-12 12:05:39 UTC  

weak troll ^^ try again

2020-01-12 12:05:50 UTC  

no it is an idea, u need to prove it to become fact

2020-01-12 12:06:28 UTC  

well you are really really weak when it comes to trolling but ok, you do you i guess

2020-01-12 12:07:37 UTC  

pls excuse me for one sec while i block you 🙂

2020-01-12 12:08:22 UTC  

now... is there any one here above the age of 5 that would like to talk about the shape of the earth?

2020-01-12 12:08:23 UTC  

bro look. weve had enough trolls here and ive been in multiple other flat earth discords where i got attacked for my beliefs. It genuinely makes me sad that you cant be civil. just stop trolling and maybe we can have a friendly discussion as i feel you may benefit from knowing how NASA has deceived us

2020-01-12 12:08:33 UTC  
2020-01-12 12:09:04 UTC  

cool. so what makes you think the earth is flat?

2020-01-12 12:10:53 UTC  

i cant remember the exact examples, but i know there have been cities which are really far away yet u can see them still? it doesnt make sense on a round earth

2020-01-12 12:13:27 UTC  

ok. but, shoudnt seeing to far away be like a normal thing? why only some cities and why only some of the time? it these are exceptions or rare events, maybe there is another explanation for that...

2020-01-12 12:14:07 UTC  

sometimes the atmosphere is thicker in certain areas, there may be more air particles from factories producing CO2 or something

2020-01-12 12:15:25 UTC  

yeah that could be a reason. but as far as i know, seeing to far away happens over large bodies of water where the atmosphere is the same

2020-01-12 12:15:39 UTC  

like the chicago skyline

2020-01-12 12:16:07 UTC  

it may be. but at the moment i believe our technology is not sufficient to work problems like these out

2020-01-12 12:16:12 UTC  

that is seen across lake michigan only very rarely and the "official" explanations is special atmospheric conditions to create a mirage

2020-01-12 12:16:34 UTC  

why would anyone think the earth is flat

2020-01-12 12:16:46 UTC  

2020-01-12 12:16:54 UTC  


2020-01-12 12:17:25 UTC  

why not? lol... it is a question and questioning things is cool, right?

2020-01-12 12:17:39 UTC  

bc there is literal scientific evidence and proof that the earth is round

2020-01-12 12:17:54 UTC  

and what would that be?

2020-01-12 12:18:03 UTC  

the earth curving round gradually

2020-01-12 12:18:14 UTC  

and how do you know that it does?

2020-01-12 12:19:04 UTC  

but theyre composites by nasa which could be faked!!!!

2020-01-12 12:19:09 UTC  

2020-01-12 12:19:15 UTC  


2020-01-12 12:19:29 UTC  

if you go in a plane that is of high enough altitude u can literally see the curve on the earth

2020-01-12 12:19:37 UTC  

nasa hacked the windows

2020-01-12 12:19:46 UTC  

I agree

2020-01-12 12:19:52 UTC  

they pay airlines to put HD screens into them as well

2020-01-12 12:19:55 UTC  

So lets say you would want to verify for yourself the shape of the earth, without appealing to anyone else, what would you do?

2020-01-12 12:20:09 UTC  

ASk god

2020-01-12 12:20:19 UTC  

hop in a u2 and see the curvature of the earth myself