Message from @hgb

Discord ID: 675425543310540820

2020-02-07 19:35:00 UTC  

Yes of course I know about centrifugal forces and centres of gravity but in the case of a plane

2020-02-07 19:35:19 UTC  

@hgb can’t prove gravity until you fill in the blanks with a scientific experiment

2020-02-07 19:35:23 UTC  

On a uniform, universally extending plane, the force anywhere will be perpendicularly downward

2020-02-07 19:35:30 UTC

2020-02-07 19:35:34 UTC  

Fill this in please

2020-02-07 19:35:39 UTC  

If not gravity cannot be proven

2020-02-07 19:35:42 UTC  


2020-02-07 19:35:49 UTC  

It's not about falling...

2020-02-07 19:36:41 UTC  

Independent variable is the existence of gravity, the dependent variable is if things fall, the control variable is everything else.

2020-02-07 19:36:48 UTC  

It's not unfillingable

2020-02-07 19:36:58 UTC  

lmao thats not how it work

2020-02-07 19:37:03 UTC  


2020-02-07 19:37:17 UTC  

Go on

2020-02-07 19:38:20 UTC  

the dependent variable must always change according to the independent variable, you can't just give 2 option of yes and no to the dependent variable. it must be something that is measurable

2020-02-07 19:38:25 UTC  


2020-02-07 19:38:41 UTC  

It does

2020-02-07 19:39:06 UTC  

have you ever seen a chart where x or y is yes and no?

2020-02-07 19:39:26 UTC  

Lmao tell me why cant you

2020-02-07 19:39:46 UTC  

Show how you can, more like it.

2020-02-07 19:39:48 UTC  

Why can't you have discrete, binary independent and dependant vairbale

2020-02-07 19:39:58 UTC  

You easily can

2020-02-07 19:40:03 UTC  

For example

2020-02-07 19:40:50 UTC  

I can investigate if something is a magnet:
Independent variable: I put it next to a magnet or not.
Dependent variable: see if there's a force on it.

2020-02-07 19:40:52 UTC  


2020-02-07 19:41:06 UTC  

You have a binary independent and dependent variable

2020-02-07 19:41:43 UTC  

that would be an observation not a fucking independent and dependent variable solution

2020-02-07 19:41:52 UTC  

Hahahahhahahahah xD

2020-02-07 19:41:56 UTC  

O boy

2020-02-07 19:41:59 UTC  


2020-02-07 19:42:21 UTC  

What you just described is how we determine there’s no earth curve.

2020-02-07 19:42:47 UTC  

Can we investigate earth curvature:

2020-02-07 19:42:57 UTC  

Yes easily

2020-02-07 19:43:02 UTC  

Independent variable, we elevate ourselves off the surface.

2020-02-07 19:43:23 UTC  

Dependent variable, we observe the surface. Does it curve? No? Okay then.

2020-02-07 19:43:40 UTC  

@hgb can you please me show me a chart where the dependent variable is a yes or no/binary?

2020-02-07 19:43:47 UTC  

You don't understand independent and dependent variable...

2020-02-07 19:43:51 UTC  

he has no idea what hes talking about

2020-02-07 19:44:20 UTC  

So you disagree with the validity of the test because my variables are discrete??

2020-02-07 19:44:35 UTC  

Or do you accept that discrete variables are okay but not binary

2020-02-07 19:45:23 UTC  

In other words can I do this:
Y axis I have 5 options, x axis I have 5 options?

2020-02-07 19:47:40 UTC  

a test would be to measure the magnetic force when you approach or further it away from another object, now you have an dependent and independent variable that would give you predictable results, what you said earlier was an observation that "magnets attract or doesn't attract"