Message from @Drewski4343

Discord ID: 675788779373592606

2020-02-08 19:17:33 UTC  

2020-02-08 19:17:33 UTC  
2020-02-08 19:17:34 UTC  

<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> You cannot mute someone already muted.

2020-02-08 19:17:48 UTC  


2020-02-08 19:26:41 UTC  

flat earth = flat wrong 😉

2020-02-08 19:34:15 UTC  

Geocentrists vs the flat earthers.

2020-02-08 19:34:45 UTC  

‘Refraction.’ Nevermind refraction in real life causes objects to deflect and distort, not magnify like globers want it to be.

2020-02-08 19:35:12 UTC  

Sungenis’ argument is actually a glober one. It’s bullshit.

2020-02-08 19:35:19 UTC  

Not geocentric.

2020-02-08 19:36:10 UTC

2020-02-08 19:36:50 UTC  

i think kent would believe in flat earth but he has a reputation to maintain in front of his fake christian audience who seeks comforting lies

2020-02-08 19:37:08 UTC  

Sungenis is the MOST geocentrist person I know. He goes to great lengths to disprove relativity and explain a geocentric universe via Newtonian physics.

2020-02-08 19:37:21 UTC  

He’s also a Vatican pawn.

2020-02-08 19:37:35 UTC  

Oh, big time

2020-02-08 19:37:50 UTC  

It’s also why he’s lying about refraction.

2020-02-08 19:37:55 UTC  

He's not good person either

2020-02-08 19:38:05 UTC  

Gives you some truth, only to lie to you about something else.

2020-02-08 19:38:27 UTC  

He’s an awful person.

2020-02-08 19:41:52 UTC  

He operates under the premise that earth is a stationary sphere floating in space. I honestly cannot get on board with that belief.

2020-02-08 19:43:20 UTC  

His explanation for it is that the earth sits at the barycenter of the universe, locked at the center of mass of ALL mass.

2020-02-08 19:45:39 UTC  

So many people do that very thing, where they will purposely pick and choose areas of science, so they don’t upset all the mainstream, because they still want to be taken serious by the mainstream. Young earth creationists do it, mud fossil university does it, Kent hovind, and Robert Sungenis do. The list goes on and on.

2020-02-08 19:47:34 UTC  

I don't think they're concerned with maintaining the mainstream; they outright reject relativity for Newtonian physics. They're practically begging to be not taken seriously by their peers.

2020-02-08 19:48:27 UTC  

You’d be surprised.

2020-02-08 19:49:06 UTC  

Although, they often *appeal* to relativity when debating, which is confusing and dishonest

2020-02-08 19:50:50 UTC  

The mainstream has the same problem with being honest. Makes all of this confusing.

2020-02-08 19:57:13 UTC  

earth is flat but appears curved from space bc our universe is on the event horizon of an extremely massive (universe scale) black hole

2020-02-08 19:57:33 UTC  

gravitational lensing effect of the black hole

2020-02-08 19:57:45 UTC  

that's why there's a Great Attractor in space

2020-02-08 19:57:56 UTC  

that points toward the center of the black hole

2020-02-08 19:59:59 UTC  

this also creates our perception of time

2020-02-08 20:00:09 UTC  

future => toward the gravity well

2020-02-08 20:04:52 UTC  

all planets are real but they are planes, warped by lensing

2020-02-08 20:04:52 UTC  

watch and learn

2020-02-08 20:06:22 UTC  

globers aren't intentionally wrong they just don't understand this

2020-02-08 20:07:32 UTC  

just good people trying to make sense of what they think they see

2020-02-08 20:07:45 UTC  

uhhhh sorry if you can refute some of the claims in this link i might actually take your veiw into perspective but i dont consider just any keyboard warrior to hold the credentials that scientists do

2020-02-08 20:08:01 UTC  

no, this is legit

2020-02-08 20:08:27 UTC  

from the perspective of earth we don't experience the gravitational lensing - that's why we can see that the planet is a plane

2020-02-08 20:09:09 UTC  

heres a question