Message from @gabe_brouse
Discord ID: 278223734651748362
all of my wews
Again, let's not get bogged down. Let's not get into dick measuring contested over purist nonsense. A real anticom is just a good person.
Wuz gud anticom
Correctomundo kek
No NatSoc would ever self-identity as a "fascist"
just saying
Correctomundo kek
this is strictly anti communist violence, doesn't matter if you voted Bernie or Trump or think Hitler did nothing wrong
Lol how retarded are you that you think anticom is facism
I'm a Falangist
Like how are you that clueless
Facism: Authoritarian, totalitarian
whats next? anticommunist stalinism?
Communism is literally facism by nature
we dont need these leftists
like coeur
lol nobody calls me a leftist and lives
com at me im ripped
We give no fucks about one's political alignment
meet me in white house
How many times has Coeur been called a leftest today?
im the president
All that matters is people haitng gobbudism
so dont threaten me unless you wanna go to jail
I'll meet you anytime, Marion ;^)
Just as soon as you dump that nigger boyfriend of yours
@Hernán Cortés you realize you're talking to a dude right?
gabe_brouse why you so afraid to dox yourself? Are you a terrorist or wanted by the law?
Can I keep my spic boyfriend
@Steven I don't have government immunity
@Cœur de Lion see that's why I joined this server. I thought it'd be anti-antifa but it just seems to be generalizing the entire left as Antifa; thus it just seems like an anti-left group in general.
@gabe_brouse >what is a joke?
@Alice, Utahime of Truth Like we've said, the text chat is cancer
Thats just how it is. kek @Hernán Cortés