Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 524747090694242324
was it ever alive?
think there's one on the back
+remove user @Malvulgein
Tex is it worse to be a tranny or a weeb
No! D:
i went to bed and some folks were saying there was supposed to be a 4chan raid on tumblr? i dont keep up so was that a thing or
Those doggies were cute
tranny obv
FFS u always delete them mid vinegar stroke
@Nip Crippler porn
nice child muncher but belongs in <#418492743547879427>
It had a lot of anal porn on there
@heatherman Following 4chan v. tumbler in 2018
sure, but so does google
Oh rip
@AstroTorch ssshhhhhhh
I like accesible and consistent anal porn
Not the same torch
@TERMIN8R literally said i dont keep up you sperg
@heatherman caring about 4chan v. tumblr in 2018
I'll glance in while I do
Have to say you sound different then I imagined Octavia lol.
I mean I think 4chan won the war
Tumblr has died
Sup noggys
They are both dying sites
I always aim to surprise dino
i didnt know if it was just shitposting or if there'd be some aftermath to gaze upon
@Octavia OwO