Message from @leon
Discord ID: 525042412838453268
water isnt wet
Yeah it was real fun
what was?
I’d argue anything in a liquid state is wet
@a.pod2994 leave
@sweatercowsandsass can you do something about all of these whiteys
And if something in a solid state comes in contact with a liquid it becomes wet
@Deleted User its general chat, you have a soy boy chat
@leon fuck off faggot
calm down lad
its only a fact
evening fellas
how’s it going?
Facts dont care about your feelings
I like to think of wetness as a spectrum
idfk I don't normally follow the bacon bandwagon, but all of a fucking sudden I have a craving
facts and logic
listen @Karpo we know you're craving it but theres no reason to post this here and spread your cravings onto other people like a disease
I'd have ben shapiro's babies
i think thats called abduction
well i have bacon so im making some
I made a bunch of bacon when I needed bacon fat for a recipe a few months back
I like cooking with bacon fat
what was the recipe
@Deleted User sure, hold on til I just ban them all
cook the bacon first in the frying pan, then the egg after, in the bacon fat.
Thats what I do
if you dont do it you're wrong
some new Orleans style jumbo
It makes your eggs tasty
yh ofc
more tasty even