Message from @SYN
Discord ID: 525273587259539485
Hallo mein nignogs
Oh duck I'm in Septic Tank
Gotta love the smell of shit while being an Indian
@presence Fuck off then,
God duck it
Ye good in Aberdeen
What you in Aberdeen for?
Interview for uni
Sheep shaggers everywhere
Ducking ducks
Good luck to you Bampot
<@&418222331958394880> <@&418222331958394880>
@presence You’re a tree. You’re probably gonna get cut down in the next week. Of course you’re depressed about chat.
Nice mate, good luck.
It's mediicne so censor ship is pretty much madatory
@BAMPOT ask them how the sheep ass feels
just to piss em off
I've been tempted but I don't want to be stabbed
@awaresec gulag time
hey @Dimorac check this
Na just a lucky bastard
@Guts McGee don't do that
i dont mind getting played around with mate