Message from @Guts McGee
Discord ID: 525274127456796692
Nice mate, good luck.
It's mediicne so censor ship is pretty much madatory
@BAMPOT ask them how the sheep ass feels
just to piss em off
I've been tempted but I don't want to be stabbed
@awaresec gulag time
hey @Dimorac check this
Na just a lucky bastard
@Guts McGee don't do that
Guessed almost every questing in the UK and ended up getting above average
i'm a whitey it's supposed to happen
@everyone gas the jews
@Guts McGee ok why don't i play with your ass then
whats your opinions on the conservatives comments on the Isle of Sky MP?
Blocked. And reported
I mean
What about them @CardboardTastesNice
I could use my face
As my pfp
Do it pussy
A sec