Message from @FabCommieDoge
Discord ID: 525397439734349838
on that note.
Sorry to cuck you but we''ll do this nitro meme later. I gotta get out the bath cos I'm shrivelling up worse than your dignity right now @Ruger#9919
No u
bet yer knob looks like a button on a fur coat
Yer mum happens to like fur coats
wait jim did you not get nitro cos u werent in hypesquad?
Lucky for me
thats a sign hes a grower not a shower
because the foreskin stretches
Jim has a foreskin like a windsock
@FabCommieDoge you would fuckin kno you faggot
I wanna die
God damn math finals
@Trash im neither a grower nor a shower, so no. also telling me id know is just calling me a grower, eg id have a large erect cock
fucking dumbass
@FabCommieDoge Neither a grower nor a shower cause your tiny cock doesn't grow
And/or you are a trap
@FabCommieDoge im saying youd kno because you suck a lot of different cocks
what the firetruck man that was epic roast ak
@FabCommieDoge salty little queer
No it’s algebra bullshit
yeah of course i do dumbass, ever heard of homosexuality?
you guys sure love talking about other dudes dicks
Fucking worthless shit
youre trying to roast me by calling me gay despite me being openly homosexual
@FabCommieDoge get offended snowflake
@FabCommieDoge Don't care faggot, commit off the roof
rekt libtard xD
@FabCommieDoge frickin libtard 😎
no dont call me that im a snowflake and i get offended