Message from @Tailed Feature
Discord ID: 525461700070211605
@Kai ask him yourself I mean he's here
Rip in peace
@EmergencyMicrowave shut up dazzie ripoff
@Tailed Feature I stand by that statement
Faggot. ❤
I notice a lot of people have whitey counterparts
Make me nigga
whitey private parts
i have a red ender
Can we put lebens in that concentration camp pic?
@Tailed Feature you're a big music nerd, can you tell me if there's a spot in a concert hall where the sound stage goes to complete shit and everything sounds like garbage fuzz
cause I feel like I sat in that spot
lebens no longer exists
that probably already happened
hush before you damage time
Feel shite man, just want yoda back.
Damn Dazzie what happened
whats poppin cunts
into your mouth
ah nice
mmm tasty
nice popin cunts
dont plan a child
I want weans
children shouldnt be planned
bwekfast @sweatercowsandsass
they should be a surprise
God's plan
Dazzie only wants wains so he can beast them
all wanted abortions should instead be signed straight up to the military, destroying the need to recruit, prove me wrong
what the actual fuck did I walk into