Message from @MidshipGary
Discord ID: 526960743703379978
no pals
2019, it began with the return if the knuckles, we thought it was dead but no...
Yo look at this unit
@Thotticus Shotticus Yeah we don’t need no forest shit
i cant even celebrate christmas with SO because they're at their family
Look at this fucking badass
Sensual santa?
fuck that's impressive
Logan Paul was never properly punished for his tomcunterry
mad gains
@Thotticus Shotticus ah, i was confused how you got that name
i see now
There it is
Oh nvm
I'm just gunna mute this server
@Hammond_of_Texas WOAH
What a fucking unit
mute server
get kicked
*autistic screeching intensifies slightly*
sounds like a plan
discord can tell you who has the server muted
@MidshipGary whyd you stop
gary just said he will kick you if he sees you have this server muted
@MidshipGary Yah keep @ everyone