Message from @Koninos

Discord ID: 686294744317427715

2020-03-08 19:27:05 UTC  

Is Stoicism a good Philosophy to follow?

2020-03-08 19:27:20 UTC  

Define Stoicism

2020-03-08 19:30:17 UTC  

Stoicism is quite of a very controversial topic itself, actually. It's the philosophy of the endurance of pain, in whatever form it comes, without the display of emotions. Personally, I view Stoicism as a very good way to become tougher, and I have implemented it into my lifestyle. The tougher you are, the more ready you are to face hardships. However, the very lack of display of emotions comes with certain disadvantages. The display of emotions can help you achieve many things, among them being the manipulation of others, which is immoral, yet very useful.

2020-03-08 19:30:40 UTC  

Personally I display my emotions only when I have to or want to, to achieve a specific goal.

2020-03-08 19:31:08 UTC  

While in situations of pain or hardship and out of context, I do not display my emotions.

2020-03-08 19:31:27 UTC  

@Maksim What about you, do you think Stoicism is a good Philosophy to follow? And why?

2020-03-08 19:37:07 UTC  

@Deleted User What do you think?^
(I couldn't talk about philosophy yesterday, but today I can :>)

2020-03-08 19:54:18 UTC  

Stoicism has some great elements, at work I train myself to not shy away from the large tasks, or anything painful I just decide to recognize it won't kill me so I shouldn't try to avoid it.

2020-03-08 19:57:19 UTC  

masturbating wont kill you

2020-03-08 19:59:37 UTC  

Anything that makes you tougher prepares you for what you are going to face. And that's a very good reason why parenting should promote Stoicism.

2020-03-08 20:02:13 UTC  

I've heard some people calling Stoicism a "masochist" philosophical ideology, which is one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. Knowing what's out there, and how to face it, is way better than avoiding pain to live a happy life. Because one day, maybe you have to follow only one path, full of pain. And you won't have any other choices. Stoicism prepares you for following that painful path.

2020-03-08 20:02:30 UTC  

I'm not advocating what doesn't kill you makes you stronger type stuff of course. I'm saying if you can take a burden to help out others, you should take it without regret.

2020-03-08 20:05:11 UTC  

When it involves helping others, it's obvious that you should take it. But the "rivals" of Stoicism focus on the cases when people follow Stoicism without having experienced a lot of pain in their life. They basically think it's useless and unnecessary.

2020-03-08 20:08:00 UTC  

@Maksim What's your opinion on Stoicism?

2020-03-08 20:10:08 UTC  

Would Marcus Aurelius himself be subject to that criticism?

2020-03-08 20:10:17 UTC  

I'm not sure about his history

2020-03-08 20:11:25 UTC  

Yes, many criticize him for being a fanatical Stoicist.

2020-03-08 20:12:30 UTC  

I was more asking whether or not he had a painful past

2020-03-08 20:12:55 UTC  

Or if he was an armchair stoicist so to speak

2020-03-08 20:15:53 UTC  

Yeah well, his parents died, then he was adopted, then again many family members of his and close friends died as well, but that wasn't the primary reason why he was a Stoic. It was the fact that he became a Ceasar, ruling one of the Greatest Empires the world had ever met. Not to mention that his reign was marked by a couple of military conflicts, and in order to face the huge amount of weight he had to carry on his back, he became a Stoic, and he actually succeeded.

2020-03-08 20:26:19 UTC  

I used to be big in the Stoicism scene teeheehee... I've read pretty much all of Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus (not that there is much of their writing to begin with). I think people too often conflate a robotic, unfeeling nature with the logical consequences of Stoicism. Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus stress that the universe follows an intelligible plan and design, and that the logos (or reasonable soul) conferred on humanity allows us to transcend the mundane suffering of the body by having us perceive this intelligibility that the universe abides by (and Marcus would tell us, in pantheistic fashion, that the universe IS God). Because we partake in divinity through the logos, and the divine is eternal and cannot be harmed, then to use reason - which is not dependent on the material - is to partake in a joy which can never be deprived. I think this is a beautiful concept but I don't like the fatalistic interpretations associated with it. Recognition of the divine plan doesn't mean we should be non-actors.... I think to stand by and not apply the body, the vehicle of our logos, into the world of the material is like hedonism - sad and boring. No fatalism for me sir

2020-03-08 20:27:30 UTC  

But yeah "anti-fragility" (modern Stoicism movement?) politics is totally spot on in my mind and is why I am close to a free-speech absolutist

2020-03-08 20:28:27 UTC