Message from @Ater Votum

Discord ID: 669690210321170433

2020-01-22 23:39:26 UTC  

not go backwards

2020-01-22 23:39:29 UTC  


2020-01-22 23:39:47 UTC  

i want to dial a number so i need a phone if i want a phone i need to buy one if i want to buy something i need money

2020-01-22 23:39:59 UTC  

so without money this all wouldnt have happened

2020-01-22 23:40:03 UTC  

okay cool

2020-01-22 23:40:05 UTC  

p3 If no member has independent mode of power in itself, then no member can transfer its mode of power to another
Do you now understand what is meant by premise 3? To transfer your mode of power to another, you must have it to begin with, but if you don't have it, you cannot transfer

2020-01-22 23:41:26 UTC  

I do get it now

2020-01-22 23:41:43 UTC  

i mean we are back at the start

2020-01-22 23:42:37 UTC  

because if you can always find something that caused the thing then you know

2020-01-22 23:43:11 UTC  

Ok so now since you agree with premise 3, you must also agree with premise 4, as in order to derive from another, that "another" must transfer something to begin with, but as nothing is being transferred, nothing can be derived, since derivation requires something being transferred

2020-01-22 23:45:22 UTC  

so essentially all youre saying is there has to be something higher in the hiearchy causing the next step in the hierarchy

2020-01-22 23:45:30 UTC  

i do agree

2020-01-22 23:46:16 UTC  

I dont understand what that means

2020-01-22 23:46:16 UTC  

but isnt that just what i said? if everything needs something higher in the hierarchy above it then everything does thus making the chain infinite??

2020-01-22 23:46:32 UTC  

What do you mean by "Higher"

2020-01-22 23:48:10 UTC  

so chain piece B is higher than C because B caused C to happen, while A caused B to happen which caused C to happen

2020-01-22 23:48:25 UTC  

thats what i mean by higher

2020-01-22 23:48:39 UTC  

so youre saying every chain piece needs a piece that caused it

2020-01-22 23:48:58 UTC  

By higher do you mean more fundamental?

2020-01-22 23:49:34 UTC  

basically yes

2020-01-22 23:49:48 UTC  

the phone is higher than the number dialing

2020-01-22 23:49:59 UTC  

the money is higher than the phone i bought with it

2020-01-22 23:50:15 UTC  

the money caused the phone the phone caused the number dialing

2020-01-22 23:50:58 UTC  

I don't like the phrasing "caused" since it implies that that has already transpired, and if B ceased to exist, C would continue to exist, lets use "is causing" since this phrasing is what is meant by hierarchical structure of change

2020-01-22 23:53:08 UTC  

so essentially everything is predetermined

2020-01-22 23:53:23 UTC  


2020-01-22 23:54:34 UTC  

so C wouldnt exist if B wouldnt exist either

2020-01-22 23:54:48 UTC  

B wouldnt without C

2020-01-22 23:54:57 UTC  


2020-01-22 23:55:12 UTC  

well yes but that doesnt change much

2020-01-22 23:56:01 UTC  

this is really difficult

2020-01-22 23:56:12 UTC  

but i really get your point now

2020-01-22 23:57:39 UTC  

Why would B not exist if C doesn't exist? B would not exist only if A didn't exist

2020-01-22 23:59:21 UTC  

B cant exist if C doesnt because B caused C and if C wasnt caused (didnt exist) then B cant exist because if B existed then it would have caused C

2020-01-23 00:00:45 UTC  

The existence of B does not cause C per se, depending on the situation, since thats dependent on other seperate parts which enable B to cause C

2020-01-23 00:01:51 UTC  

well but they are all inside the same system

2020-01-23 00:02:09 UTC  

if B exists then C has to exist and if C exists then B has to exist

2020-01-23 00:02:54 UTC  

Right okay i understand what you're saying right now

2020-01-23 00:03:01 UTC  

Anyway we're getting off topic

2020-01-23 00:03:05 UTC  

Now that you understand this

2020-01-23 00:03:19 UTC  

Do you understand why each member deriving its mode of power from another is impossible? As nothing is being derived