Message from @vladi004

Discord ID: 693224446626103316

2020-03-27 22:01:33 UTC  

@Gothik Extravaganza very funny but you have yet to deliniate between these two examples, riding a bike and breaking your arm, and having sex and getting pregnant without intending to

2020-03-27 22:03:19 UTC  

I don't ride bikes with the intent of getting injury. I put my dick in vaginas knowing if I nut I might get the lass pregnant. Sometimes, I've wanted that.

2020-03-27 22:05:21 UTC  

um but people often have sex not wanting to get pregnant like cmon bruh

2020-03-27 22:05:30 UTC  

that's why contraceptives exist

2020-03-27 22:05:50 UTC  

for the most part, as they can regulaet things for women and also prevent the spread of STDs

2020-03-27 22:06:21 UTC  

Then be smart and use a condom

2020-03-27 22:09:02 UTC  

> Then be smart and use a condom
@BOOGALOO BOI this. And as I said, there's many other methods. Sex is enjoyable, this I know. Yet I also know it's primary function is to create new life.

2020-03-27 22:09:49 UTC  

this is dodging the question

2020-03-27 22:10:04 UTC  

I think about half of abortions are done on people who were using birth control

2020-03-27 22:10:22 UTC  

accross a huge population, even if everyone is using birth control you'll have cases where it fails.

2020-03-27 22:10:44 UTC  

I see no reason to punish people even if they make a mistake however, because we've yet to establish what is wrong with having an abortion.

2020-03-27 22:11:11 UTC  

What then about adoption?

2020-03-27 22:12:06 UTC  

they can do that if they don't mind carrying it for 9th months, why not get an abortion though?

2020-03-27 22:18:26 UTC  

Kills a life, I've heard, though will not be arsed to further research, those who have abortion are at a greater risk of breast cancer and other health risks.

2020-03-27 22:19:07 UTC  

you haven't explained why killing a life is wrong

2020-03-27 22:20:03 UTC  

the health risk argument is hard to make on a scientific level since child birth has health risks as well. Even if it is worse for your health, that doesn't make it that immoral, and certainly isn't reason enough to ban it

2020-03-27 22:20:18 UTC  

you need to establish why killing a life in this case is wrong

2020-03-27 22:24:21 UTC  

I've told you, I don't have deeper answers you seem to be reaching for. I'm at best an amateur autodidact etymologist. My skills are within words, not sciences and I am certainly, personally, not a bastion for ethics and morality. I've provided the bare basics. Others have gone into greater depths. If you're still not convinced, that's *your* problem, not ours. Why do you persist? Do you want an abortion? Who's stopping you?

2020-03-27 22:25:35 UTC  

Oh well in that case we can just end the line of questioning here, since it seems you don't have a justification for the center of your argument. I wouldn't want to get someone pregnant in a place where abortion is illegal, so the freedom to do so benefits myself yes.

2020-03-27 22:25:58 UTC  

we can pick this up another time if you like, this will always be my challenge to your argument

2020-03-27 22:26:27 UTC  

can I intervene?

2020-03-27 22:28:08 UTC  

or did you leave?

2020-03-27 22:30:22 UTC  

I'm still here

2020-03-27 22:30:39 UTC  

ok so you are asking why killing is wrong?

2020-03-27 22:31:26 UTC  

It's something taught and coded into us for protection and survival of our species and our tribe

2020-03-27 22:31:45 UTC  

Uh welll clearly not because I'm a counter example to this 😂

2020-03-27 22:31:56 UTC  

You have a right to live until you are a threat

2020-03-27 22:32:02 UTC  

the bike?

2020-03-27 22:32:03 UTC  

The reason I'm asking is because no one seems to be able to give me an argument.

2020-03-27 22:32:05 UTC  

Do I?

2020-03-27 22:32:39 UTC  

we have rights for the betterment of the life of everyone and our people

2020-03-27 22:33:03 UTC  

What are rights and why do you think we have them?

2020-03-27 22:33:18 UTC  

so protect our tribe and our species

2020-03-27 22:33:48 UTC  

they are a bunch of commonly agreed rules which ensure the betterment of ourselves and our community

2020-03-27 22:34:02 UTC  

One sec...

2020-03-27 22:34:20 UTC  

Killing a baby or a fetus is killing a person who doesn't pose a threat to your right or your tribe

2020-03-27 22:34:24 UTC  

I am not in agreement though. Why should I or anyone else agree to these?

2020-03-27 22:34:51 UTC  

because it gives me the right to murder you which makes the fabric of civilization collapse

2020-03-27 22:35:34 UTC  

if I don't suffer the consequences for murdering a member of someone else's tribe the tribe is week and should be eliminated.

2020-03-27 22:36:05 UTC  

only the tribe which defend themselves and their offsprings survived

2020-03-27 22:36:14 UTC  

Well no we can ban murder without appealing to these rights which can't be demonstrated to exist.