Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 669011095775608836

2020-01-18 17:26:58 UTC  

```A woman can never know of the consummate coldness of the universe, for man and woman alike feel the overpowering, all-consuming need to care for women; Woman thinks that she has been controlled by man, but in fact there is no difference between control and protection. To be regarded with apathy is the price one pays for liberty. She never even glimpses the contours of masculine reality. And because she does not feel the coldness of the universe, because man has always put her in the safest, warmest, most interior place, next to the food and the fire, she cannot see the world as he sees it, as mechanism. Objectification of women is not a sin but an immutable fact. In the eyes of man there are only objects, and women the most cherished of all! There is nothing more valuable to a man than feminine beauty; to behold a beautiful woman is sufficient justification for all existence. For this reason few things injure us so much as the egregore known as "social justice activism," because it is an autocatalytic loop of ugliness. An ugly woman is not as well cared-for as a beautiful one, hence she is less controlled. Being unloved, she consoles herself with a lie; "I do not WISH to be loved", except she phrases it, "I cannot bear to be ruled by a man" To prove it, she makes herself uglier. There are few things more dangerous than feedback loops without dampeners. The classic example of cybernetics is the thermostat which tries to change the temperature of the room in response to the temperature of the room. A signal modulates an action which modulates a signal.```

2020-01-18 17:27:30 UTC  
2020-01-18 18:01:29 UTC  


2020-01-18 18:01:40 UTC  


2020-01-18 18:41:38 UTC  

The other threat is far more subtle. It is the internal threat coming from men of good intentions and good will who wish to reform us. Impatient with the slowness of persuasion and example to achieve the great social changes they envision, they are anxious to use the power of the state to achieve their ends and confident of their own ability to do so. Yet if they gained the power, they would fail to achieve their immediate aims and, in addition" would produce a collective state from which they would recoil in horror and of which they would be among the first victims. Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.

2020-01-19 09:18:52 UTC  

May I offer a response?

2020-01-19 09:21:08 UTC  

If there was such a movement, of men and women who wanted a change in society, and they did attempt to use the power of the state to reform society...

Wouldn't they know that? Wouldn't the threat of a purge be the first thing they'd prepare for?

2020-01-19 09:22:58 UTC  

I think what concerns most people when we talk about this is the idea of people using the undeniable power of the state to change society in a way that would make them feel uncomfortable.

2020-01-19 09:23:31 UTC  

At this point a change is practically inevitable.

2020-01-19 09:25:36 UTC  

I feel most comfortable in a society that maximizes personal freedom, but with a pragmatic economy focused on what needs to be done.

2020-01-19 09:25:46 UTC  

So I'm minsoc.

2020-01-19 09:26:47 UTC  

But a lot of people might be more comfortable in a society with more rigid rules.

2020-01-19 09:26:58 UTC  

So there's this big conflict

2020-01-19 09:31:24 UTC  

I think I could come up with a system that could at least initially contain people of every ideology. Problem is, people get fed up and develop extralegal ambitions. They cheat. Power eventually falls into the wrong hands. We might end up with a society that permits abuses of human rights if we disagree on what those are.

2020-01-19 09:41:03 UTC  

I think mutualism is a good "in between" ideology

2020-01-19 09:41:30 UTC  

here come the originul libertarians

2020-01-20 05:18:17 UTC  

What is Distributism?

2020-01-20 08:07:19 UTC  

I have been considering it

2020-01-21 02:50:22 UTC  

Kind of serious question, but not really. If you had to race mix which race would you go with (Assuming that most of you are white).

2020-01-21 02:51:14 UTC  

For me it’d have to be either Asian or Latina women because they have low divorce rates and are fairly traditional.

2020-01-21 02:57:14 UTC  

Someone I love probably

2020-01-21 03:01:41 UTC  

Imagine not marrying women because you love them

2020-01-21 03:04:06 UTC  

By asian if you mean east asian

2020-01-21 03:04:13 UTC  

East Asian females are insane

2020-01-21 03:05:58 UTC  

So are Latinas

2020-01-21 03:07:13 UTC  

I've never heard of a single man be with a Latina and not talked about the crazy

2020-01-21 03:08:13 UTC  

I'd probably go with slavs

2020-01-21 03:10:29 UTC  

ngl if I had to racemix it'd probably be with a native american, because they are willing to assimilate to western culture and not cling to ooga booga shit like other races

2020-01-21 03:10:59 UTC  

You live in the America's?

2020-01-21 03:11:06 UTC  


2020-01-21 03:11:13 UTC  


2020-01-21 03:11:13 UTC  

You ever meet a native chick?

2020-01-21 03:11:21 UTC  

a couple

2020-01-21 03:11:34 UTC  

I'd hesitate to say that's a true statement

2020-01-21 03:11:52 UTC  

But I also live in Canada

2020-01-21 03:12:06 UTC  

I've never met a native women who doesn't let you know that

2020-01-21 03:12:06 UTC  

when I lived in Tennessee I saw natives

2020-01-21 03:13:38 UTC  

I live bout an hour and a half from a rez

2020-01-21 04:11:14 UTC  

Gross slavs

2020-01-21 08:33:51 UTC  

My Mother is Thai, It's a Good Up bringing in Discipline & Work Ethic. Perfection