
Discord ID: 577716328111276033

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2019-12-17 07:04:09 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

mad at jews

2019-12-17 07:04:49 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

bro jews got rich by doing the exact same shit every excluded immigrant group with more than 70iq median did

2019-12-17 07:05:19 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

since they never got a nation of their own and did it for 4000 years yeah no shit they got rich

2019-12-17 07:05:40 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

this is what WASP wh*toids fail to comprehend

2019-12-17 07:08:36 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

if wypipl get bamboozled by them its their own fault

2019-12-17 07:08:44 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

fool me once fool me twice

2019-12-17 07:14:02 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  


2019-12-17 07:14:25 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

yamna (pbuh) culture

2019-12-17 07:20:05 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

i dunno anymore

2019-12-17 07:20:12 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

what even my stance is

2019-12-17 07:24:07 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

but im not underage

2019-12-17 07:25:28 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  


2019-12-17 07:25:33 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

im anprim actually

2019-12-17 07:25:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  


2019-12-17 07:26:46 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

what does mongol steppe count as

2019-12-19 19:56:16 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]

2019-12-27 05:09:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]

2020-01-05 05:56:50 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

Atheism is an ideology of anthropocentric supremacy that rejects the existence of all phenomenon beyond the purview of man's immediate understanding; not simply "religion" but all that stands outside his immediate senses and whatever meager consensuses of state science. Atheistic worldview is sterilized, dumbed, removed of complex systems, containing only what can be directly modeled. These are the people who put their potatoes in the fridge, who think isolating caffeine from coffee is effective: everything a blank slate with clear input/output. To be Atheist is not simply to reject faith in unprovable unknown, but all that is immeasurable, all immateriality and all information external. The tornado only exists to the Atheist as far as science has understood it, and no further: his dog's forewarnings ignored.

2020-01-05 05:59:53 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

The Atheist has in store for him many rude awakenings as artificial, and artificially augmented, intelligence taps into the same depths of actionable truth as the "spiritual" the "metaphysical" through their accentuated sensory organs. AI physiognomy is only the beginning.

2020-01-10 22:35:07 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]

2020-01-18 17:26:09 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

```If you've paid attention then you've heard that men have no idea what the lived experience of a woman is like. That we can't imagine what it's like to have no bodily security, at risk at all times, after dark or in a lonely street, or what it's like to endure the pains of labor. I'll bite that bullet, and note that women fail to mention other experiences unique to their sex: the feeling of erotic compulsion towards beings who could physically overpower them, crush them, smother them; the visceral and overpowering force of their emotions (neurotypically). The reason I will bite that bullet is that it forces us to bite a symmetrical one. The claim is that thereโ€™s nothing in male life that women don't know, because men are the architects of the world; this gives us too much credit, and women far too little
Indeed the world of men is inaccessible to women, just as the world of women is inaccessible to men.```

2020-01-18 17:26:49 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

```Regardless of how you understand the difference, if we're to accept that such a thing as "lived experience" is impenetrable from the outside, then we must cede it to everyone. You might object that all of the western canon was written by men, & therefore the content of male lived experience is abundantly clear, but if you make that argument, then we reply that only a man, maybe only a certain sort of man, has the lived experience to decode these texts. The component of male lived experience that is wholly unaccessible to women, more than any other, is the colossal and abyssal apathy of the universe towards you. Women cannot relate to this, except perhaps women of exceptional ugliness, childless crones, and FtM transexuals. The apathy of the universe is bottomless, and to a man, uniquely to a man, he begins to feel this apathy even from a very young age, he becomes the object of a radical indifference, in equal measure to what vitality he shows.```

2020-01-18 17:26:58 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

```A woman can never know of the consummate coldness of the universe, for man and woman alike feel the overpowering, all-consuming need to care for women; Woman thinks that she has been controlled by man, but in fact there is no difference between control and protection. To be regarded with apathy is the price one pays for liberty. She never even glimpses the contours of masculine reality. And because she does not feel the coldness of the universe, because man has always put her in the safest, warmest, most interior place, next to the food and the fire, she cannot see the world as he sees it, as mechanism. Objectification of women is not a sin but an immutable fact. In the eyes of man there are only objects, and women the most cherished of all! There is nothing more valuable to a man than feminine beauty; to behold a beautiful woman is sufficient justification for all existence. For this reason few things injure us so much as the egregore known as "social justice activism," because it is an autocatalytic loop of ugliness. An ugly woman is not as well cared-for as a beautiful one, hence she is less controlled. Being unloved, she consoles herself with a lie; "I do not WISH to be loved", except she phrases it, "I cannot bear to be ruled by a man" To prove it, she makes herself uglier. There are few things more dangerous than feedback loops without dampeners. The classic example of cybernetics is the thermostat which tries to change the temperature of the room in response to the temperature of the room. A signal modulates an action which modulates a signal.```

2020-01-19 17:12:49 UTC [The Right Cafe #memes]

27 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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