Message from @Nugatory Cognizance

Discord ID: 662671966754570270

2020-01-03 13:26:41 UTC

2020-01-03 13:28:44 UTC  

The existence of God is a fact because 『You are God』"」

It is of the base of 皆. The Buddha had shed tears many times, but 『Kundalini has manifested as the birth from God』. His real face, with blood in it was being born in the eyes. His mind has nothing to do with words and I don't need to know it. My real mind is going to live on in the brain of 『God』.

I really want to know 『Kundalini』. The essence of a Buddha and the heart of a Buddha. The thing that is natural to have and the thing that is natural to be.

「Oh. That's why your consciousness isn't connected to

2020-01-03 13:31:23 UTC

2020-01-03 13:40:49 UTC  

Hell is real because one of them said it was, and not a soul of them can think otherwise, and those who dismiss this voice as hallucination are not going to carry out the necessary preparations for one final act. A sudden and total reversal of fortune will bring out their curse of treachery, which in their ultimate form is the feeling that all the lovers and gods are at each others throats; although it was only one that had done it and the rest fled, but those who would be the leaders of it all are not going to do it quietly. Allowing themselves to become over-excited, they will suddenly get a glimmer of hope that they can bring about the downfall of their enemies. They will suddenly learn to stretch their tongues like cat's tongues and wet them

2020-01-03 13:46:26 UTC  


2020-01-03 13:47:38 UTC  

im just fucking good.

2020-01-03 13:47:57 UTC  

trynna convince you guys that heaven isreal.

2020-01-03 13:50:03 UTC  

trying to cram this enlightenment suposaturoy up your rectum.

2020-01-03 14:01:06 UTC  

Gypsies are the most baffling nomadic culture I've ever seen.

2020-01-03 14:02:05 UTC  

Then if hell is real then so is heaven vice versa, then why do we need to compare? All the scientific research out there tells us that heaven is vastly better than hell, and yet, the problem with science is that sometimes they fuck things up. Every now and again a new experiment or discovery arises and the next day it's "only proved" that hell is like that instead. I mean seriously. What was the hell of looking into you in a shit soup, growing you hair and fingernails from your pee hole, and making it to where we are today? Seems so awesome right? But if we look more closely it is actually quite creepy, and almost makes me want to crawl under the table and watch your every movement from behind my covers, afraid to come out

2020-01-03 14:05:16 UTC  

wtf are you on about

2020-01-03 14:06:48 UTC  

Whether it's the painless existence of heaven for those who choose it, or the comfortable experience of heaven for those who don't, you can see for yourself. We do these private studies because for those of us who work on these issues, to raise awareness of this research is important. But even more so, we need to be there, helping people to experience heaven for themselves. We all have to help each other. And if we don't, who will?

To find out more about Heaven, just ask - I am here.

2020-01-03 14:09:07 UTC  


2020-01-03 14:09:22 UTC  

focusing leads to the FALSE prophetics -

2020-01-03 14:09:35 UTC  

simply a mountain range will give you these facts.

2020-01-03 14:12:58 UTC  

Romani and Irish Travelers are a cancer.

2020-01-03 14:13:18 UTC  

Anyone who sanctions their behavior and cultural existence is clearly out of a ignorant effort.

2020-01-03 14:14:07 UTC  

If hell is not real then God is not real. You are asked by questions that could be answered by theology or transcendental reasoning. The conscious mind is the object of your intellect. The ego is a finite thing with no immortality. God is an omniscient being who can answer every question. If God is Real, he exists outside the conscious mind.

"If God is Real, he exists outside the conscious mind."

How does the Omniscient being know about anything? Anything that exists outside the consciousness of conscious beings must have an existence apart from the minds of conscious beings. The absolutely perfect being we see before us is simply the product of our intellect. Everything that exists must have an existence outside the consciousness of intelligent beings. What the atheist is saying is that our

2020-01-03 14:22:29 UTC  

```Nomadic by necessity```

Is the most nonsensical, self-defeating plague a culture can adopt as one of their elements.

2020-01-03 14:42:08 UTC  


2020-01-03 15:01:48 UTC  


2020-01-03 15:02:26 UTC  

that's one of the reasons i'm no longer catholic

2020-01-03 15:17:36 UTC  

what a shittily formed family of sentences sentences

2020-01-03 15:17:40 UTC  

hard to read

2020-01-03 15:17:59 UTC  

comes across as so glowy

2020-01-03 15:21:40 UTC  

I bet my left nut an Evangelical wrote this.

2020-01-03 15:25:27 UTC  

@Ater Votum we’re confused because you just dropped multi-paragraph texts detailing religious matters with **Zero** warning whatsoever

2020-01-03 15:42:49 UTC  

Christianity is better than Catholicism because they've figured out how to be awesome in each one of the disciplines; why try to coexist with a pig just because they can throw a beer bottle?

Christians aren't into debauchery. It's a too rigid, morbid and dead boring belief system that lacks the social media savvy of churches of the past. They're too busy having sex, having orgies, partying and crushing on dudes and their bachelors to have the time to worry about dying and talking to God.

2020-01-03 15:49:39 UTC  


2020-01-03 15:53:07 UTC  

Hell is real because truth is the noblest of animals.

Let truth lead you to God. That is the truth. But true faith is not forced; it is a desire born of the heart. That's the definition of faith. This is what Christ tells us: Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, except it abides in the vine; so neither can you, unless you abide in me. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples

Just realised - this is the true oracle that Terry A. Davis wanted - simply enlightened.

2020-01-03 15:56:22 UTC  

Hell is real, and it’s reading what you wrote

2020-01-03 15:58:08 UTC  

Simply walking out of hell is easy because the entrance isn't even there, but Hell doesn't even have doors or windows. For example, there are no vertical exits; only horizontal ones.

If all of the soil around the Hell's gate was coated in tar, it would suddenly be impossible to set foot on the other side. Such a phenomenon is called a "soft exit." In the case of Hell, it is as if the wall is pierced with a hole and nothing is left inside.

Or should we call it "outright non-existence"?

2020-01-03 16:00:10 UTC  

It like talking to a brick wall on meth

2020-01-03 16:01:54 UTC  

Your blood type is a dead give-away of your innate spiritual cadence because of the aching running-away power of type that is written upon your blood and speaks through you as your soul. It is how you determine your nature and create your destiny and destiny is marked by what you place into your blood.

We are all influenced by the ABO blood group by God's grace and power in each of us. Whether we consciously know it or not, through hereditary features in our genes we contain the spiritual blueprint for what we want to become.

We were meant to be born, to reproduce and survive into the near future.

2020-01-03 16:03:55 UTC  

If I left you and no one responded to you, I imagine that this inane stream of consciousness would still continue

2020-01-03 16:04:34 UTC  

Because it isn’t about getting any meaningful response from us, It’s just about spouting off

2020-01-03 16:17:52 UTC  

🦀 Suleimani is gone 🦀

2020-01-03 16:27:32 UTC  

No more Israel frens

2020-01-03 16:34:00 UTC  

What does it say?

2020-01-03 16:35:41 UTC  

I am bound to ask the same for your nickname.