Message from @Ruger
Discord ID: 528091902164074517
It's like gaffa taped together at this point
like do you not know this?
Html5 is so nice
...wait, something besides Minecraft still uses Java?
70% of shit
or more
A lot of shit uses Java
loads of stuff still uses java. look for jobs, you'll see java in requirements constantly
Doesn’t runescape use java?
something like 3 billion devices run on it as well
C will come up a lot still too, especially for embedded systems shit
@Wirez like the reason html 5 won out is because it could do everything and more that flash could do but in a far more efficient way
even though people kinda sneer at it cos it's old and awkward
pretty sure minecraft uses java
not sure what alse
Current Project
I know, but my lecturer doesn't give a shit about it, plus I'm not taking it next semester considering I'm moving onto Tech Support and Networking
As much as I wanna learn Python I feel like that'd be akin to vaping if you never smoked.
no, its so you can follow the flow easier
no for a better grade you spoon
I know, but I can understand it either way, doesn't really bother me
That looks damn beautiful.
Nigga just press the reindent /reformat code button at least
thats the only html i have in an electron program with 6000+ lines of code
a packager for turning html5 into apps
like the one you are using now.... Discord
Was like, as opposed to mechanical?
My code is messy but oh well, It's only for a project I need for college, and I'm not bothered about how it looks, as long as it works, It's not needed for anything actually proper
~~Given mechanical computers facinate the fuck out of me and I'd love to take apart a firing solution computer someday~~
wtf is mame still around?
nvm was thinking of something else, from the 90s