Message from @Ruger
Discord ID: 528091076733435914
And that's a tangled bloody mess
if you want to see a cool/fun coding thing, someone made an Ouroboros program with 128 languages and also the code is art
spaghetti os are a *binary* diet of 5 year olds
ah the old quine challenges
the only reason javascript is used is because some retard put it into a website and everyone followed until it was standard
it's a quirk of history
maybe cause html5 actually produced results?
no shit
I guess like how the americans stubbornly use king henry's foot as a measurement despite its origin country abandoning the standard?
Java annoys me
like I understand why it is the way it is
But it fucking annoys me
html5 brought in js/css/html working together for web
It was never really meant for what it's being used for
It's like gaffa taped together at this point
Html5 is so nice
...wait, something besides Minecraft still uses Java?
70% of shit
or more
A lot of shit uses Java
loads of stuff still uses java. look for jobs, you'll see java in requirements constantly
Doesn’t runescape use java?
something like 3 billion devices run on it as well
C will come up a lot still too, especially for embedded systems shit
@Wirez like the reason html 5 won out is because it could do everything and more that flash could do but in a far more efficient way
even though people kinda sneer at it cos it's old and awkward
pretty sure minecraft uses java
not sure what alse
Current Project
I know, but my lecturer doesn't give a shit about it, plus I'm not taking it next semester considering I'm moving onto Tech Support and Networking