Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 528286042172948513
dont post pics of shit in a bowl if it's not yours
Best image
weak shit
is that blood?
wtf is on the end
beetroot I think
was a while ago
weird how sometimes the less extreme stuff works
We're used to the extreme
Toilets clogged
I had a deep green poo once. Like not shitty green but deep grassy green. Got a photo of it somewhere, was just something I ate but totally harmless
How did thathappen
Anyone have a plunger?
I hate when I take a pic of my shit and the scale isnt clear
Tea you're way above extreme
I've had a black tarred shit,jimbo. When I ate nothing but pickled herring for a day.
Was fucking rancid.
oh wait now I know what the dark bit on the end of that shit is
that's the part above the water line
Aye, what is it
I had a black shit once after a night on black sambuca
now that shit would make me throw up
Wholesome cursed dog