Message from @Cha0s

Discord ID: 654432402772459522

2019-12-10 18:41:08 UTC  

Imma buy a bunch of gold and silver this Christmas

2019-12-10 22:11:07 UTC  

I would move quick

2019-12-10 22:30:27 UTC

2019-12-10 22:31:42 UTC  

May be spot, but still interesting.

2019-12-11 01:05:27 UTC  

From my understanding, kikes are going to want to hammer prices down as long as they can, before it shoots up
I'm breddy goncerned cause I have a lot of fiat shekels due to come, but that's until end of January. Might have to put it on credit for now 😰

2019-12-11 01:05:27 UTC  

2019-12-11 03:50:40 UTC  

@e⁻ you should be good for a while. China an Russia were on a big push for gold last couple of years and the bankers have been keeping it down. Now that the central bank is big on it says something. End is near. But Q has been talking about this and X22 has done a good job is breaking it down over the last 6 months that the push POTUS does to get us off fiat fed reserve will be as painless as possible. Gonna be painful, but not Great Depression reset painless. Either way, good to protect yourself and get as much as you can afford. I like to allocate some each pay period to fill my coffers. You can get 10th of an ounce increments from your local coin dealer and then mix that in with silver dollars too.

2019-12-11 04:26:51 UTC  

Doesn’t talk about gold but more so the economy and we saw Pelosi push through the UCMA in congress and it will pass the senate too. Even though she says she negotiated it and is better than what Trump provided, they didn’t do anything and this is Trump’s deal. X22 predicts this in his vid before the news broke yesterday. Good deets when you take into consideration buying precious metals. If the CB falls, who owns the gold?

2019-12-11 04:46:02 UTC  

Maybe, he could kiss it and make it better?

2019-12-11 04:52:21 UTC  

I need to watch/listen more x22
I stopped b/c of irl stuff. I just hope I have enough time to stack up on precious metals

2019-12-11 04:52:26 UTC  

Thanks fren

2019-12-11 05:10:59 UTC  

@e⁻ I’m no expert, but I believe you do. I’ve been doing this for 7 years now and it started with with the same sense of urgency you have today. The rumor back in the day was all of our politicians and influential economists were buying gold by the dump truck load. Hope I’m wrong in that we have time. Just don’t forget about buying ammo and toilet paper. Everyone forgets about the toilet paper. 😆

2019-12-11 05:25:32 UTC  

>tfw can't buy a gun b/c of commiefornia
It was my own fault that I cannot purchase a firearm, but still.
PM's in case fiat finally shoahs
If I need ammo, guns or toliet paper I'm sure that'll be the least of my worries

I feel like such a fool for not preparing properly **years** earlier...

2019-12-11 05:25:33 UTC  

2019-12-11 05:29:12 UTC  

If you need gold and silver, it’ll be the same scenario imo. Move to TX! There are a lot of us here.

2019-12-11 05:29:56 UTC  

And like they say... the best time to plant a tree was 7 years ago. The next best time, today. I think you are good fren.

2019-12-11 08:43:47 UTC  

I think as long as they keep the funny money futures markets live, prices will always be low. They have a problem in that they trade more assets than they have on hand. Just haven’t been caught yet.

2019-12-11 11:05:41 UTC  

ya, i figured it out a while back. It's "Fantasy Stock Market" they are playing with our savings.

2019-12-11 19:03:08 UTC  

What happened to Feinstein? We used to hear about her all the time. Now silence.... there must be something here. Probably spooked by Q and the Chinese spy she was harboring.

2019-12-11 21:20:43 UTC  
2019-12-11 21:38:31 UTC  

Well AU/AG seem to be breaking out again - both still bargains imo

2019-12-11 21:58:26 UTC  

Also important footnote- those who have investments in the ETF's will get burned and end up with nothing

2019-12-11 21:59:36 UTC  

"Wealthy are hoarding gold.." until Crimes against children makes it US property...

2019-12-11 22:28:18 UTC  

tru dat

2019-12-12 00:40:24 UTC  


2019-12-12 01:48:58 UTC  

@boBBypEEle your waisting your time with those two, just there to disrupt me thinks

2019-12-12 02:53:38 UTC  


2019-12-12 03:01:27 UTC  


2019-12-12 04:43:15 UTC  

Doesn't everyone hoard gold? I do

2019-12-12 12:46:28 UTC  

Invest in ammo. Price goes up constantly

2019-12-12 12:46:42 UTC  

It’ll serve ya well for bartering and defense/offense

2019-12-12 15:01:30 UTC  

That’s about the best advice I’ve heard in I don’t even remember. Lol. Ammo✅🥊

2019-12-12 21:10:21 UTC  

Proper font kerning is the difference between consuming pom when thristy, or consuming porn when thirsty.

2019-12-13 01:21:21 UTC  


2019-12-13 14:09:18 UTC  

2019-12-13 15:11:49 UTC

2019-12-14 00:23:01 UTC  

p!catch spinda