Message from @Odalist Refrain
Discord ID: 277621677733445632
I'm going with the scales and shield
@Tee CA The second I saw they asked about tattoos in the applications.
Nothing more innocent lookin then that
a dragon wrapping around scales?
no dregin
Who introduced the dragon idea?
Snake wrapping around a shield?
Represents "Don
the scales
"Don't tread on me"
Dragons are autism tier; even among furries.
Etc etc
no step on snek
@Odalist Refrain Ah, I just assumed they were branded along the lines of Spencer. Fashy hipster chad nationalism types
Snake wrapping around a shield sounds great imo
@Ulstèr-Scotch Your picture isn't working very well, going to try to grab a transparent one
no step on snek?
Cheers man
Too AnCap.
Stick to white and black for international logo
Unfortunate no snek
Can U.S. do snek?
I'd prefer not.
Gadsden shit just makes us look like a joke.
b-but muh snek
Yellow in general is a symbol of capitalism
^ this
So make sure the shield is white and the separation of snake scales are white but the snake scales and details are black
Snake wrapping around a shield honestly
I think it'd look amazing
Are we not capitalist?
We are
I don't think we're a capitalist group. I know a lot of us are fascists in the first place.
Black is scary and usually makes me think "radical" but what would replace it if we had to?