Message from @Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Discord ID: 649610825115500544


It's a democrat strat

hello fellow comrades, we are here for your votes and then we'll ignore you until the next election

2019-11-28 11:42:58 UTC  

He's really trying to look like Lenin here, isn't he?

nah Lenin actually dressed properly

2019-11-28 12:09:27 UTC  

LOL, they had to make the program longer...
...and yet Andrew can still live the life of Riley playing golf and with no public engagements to worry about - born into a life where he cannot lose.

2019-11-28 13:49:17 UTC  

I wonder if this same cunt refers to the EDL every time Tommy Robinson's name comes up

Gina Miller giving birth to subversive shit

Imagine My Shock

The Hathor of British Politics

Gotta keep the voters motivated

get to the polls even if you have to bayonette several commies

2019-11-28 14:08:29 UTC  

So they've just ignored their own rules because it doesn't suit them...
...imagine my shock.

"the European Union cannot defend Europe"


2019-11-28 14:18:08 UTC  

wondering if the French wants the US to pull out "all" troops this time as well

2019-11-28 14:30:52 UTC  

Ooo, a David Starkey article... I'll be sure to check it out later...

2019-11-28 15:04:23 UTC
```According to charity Homeless Link, today 84 per cent of the homeless are men, and their average age at death is just 44, half the average male lifespan. She also draws a correlation between the current epidemic of gang-related knife crime and the rise in fatherlessness. Most of the offenders, she says, come from broken homes, according to her research.```

BASED and Red Pilled