Message from @MoonEyes
Discord ID: 529886058654203923
@Romeo Whiskey Delta Sierra are u a 15 year old girl
5/10, can tell you game
i have seriously bad bags
but you cant tell cause of the light
that god damn iris
That's pretty cool
@MoonEyes u single?
I am single
@Deleted User Nigga dats a trap
@Deleted User LMAO no why
And *male*
@Red Pulsating Rod even better
@Deleted User a man of absolute culture
I've noticed a distinct lack of negro people
Я не хомо
@Deleted User no why
@Lyra Oney fucking dies.
Y'all want to make fun of my face?
post face
@Lyra omg how do you save these videos 😂
it's like one click
@LorneM Does it make you a better painter?
@Mr Surkuri I wish
I tried and it doesn't work for some video files @Lyra