Message from @aWildTomAppeared

Discord ID: 667427316720336918

Left-wing people

2020-01-16 17:12:41 UTC  

dank's penis is too big to fit on one screen

I wouldn't know

2020-01-16 17:25:30 UTC  

I still got it

2020-01-16 17:25:36 UTC  

tenderloin on lockdown

2020-01-16 17:29:32 UTC

2020-01-16 17:29:58 UTC  

the trump supporter is what he is ashamed of<:what:382980756139409409>

2020-01-16 17:35:25 UTC  


2020-01-16 17:35:30 UTC  

big dick energy

2020-01-16 17:36:14 UTC  


2020-01-16 17:36:42 UTC  

A Trump supporter would never allow a Bernie loser to raise his child. Retard.

2020-01-16 17:38:26 UTC  

What kekels my shekels is every retarded cuckold considers their wife coming home to them as an epic win

2020-01-16 17:38:51 UTC  

Ah yes, i love when my spouse returns home with a vag full of stranger's semen

2020-01-16 17:51:35 UTC  

I can only speak for myself, but the best part of a relationship is when she gets the fuck out

2020-01-16 17:55:46 UTC  

I love the line "I'm man enough that I can handle my wife going out and having some fun" I swear if any generation from the vast majority of human history where men had to fight for their territory, saw melenials, they would be beyond discussed at these fucking betas, I all our ancestors fought for the future of their people, for this <:what:382980756139409409>

2020-01-16 17:56:37 UTC  

You sound too much like a nazi bro

2020-01-16 17:57:06 UTC  

News that should shock no one

2020-01-16 17:57:52 UTC  

@Mips wtf u on about?

2020-01-16 17:58:44 UTC

2020-01-16 17:59:55 UTC  

@aWildTomAppeared That's the response you'd get, only nazis hate cucks.

2020-01-16 18:00:42 UTC  

That's not true

2020-01-16 18:01:14 UTC  

oh right, I thought u were calling me a nazi because one of the nazis reason for war was that men have an innate desire for heroicism/glory that comes from war, (problem is that when you are fighting with guns rather than swords, that work)

2020-01-16 18:01:47 UTC  

Is being called a nazi an insult tho

2020-01-16 18:01:53 UTC  

in this day and age

2020-01-16 18:02:00 UTC  

its used to censor people not insult them

2020-01-16 18:02:17 UTC  

if you're a man of honor, I won't hold a bit of hatred at your throat

2020-01-16 18:02:23 UTC  

Silence nazi

2020-01-16 18:02:27 UTC  

btw lemme tell yall a story

2020-01-16 18:02:40 UTC  

Kill the jews, don't kill the jews, who cares

2020-01-16 18:02:49 UTC  

as long as you bring down merkel

2020-01-16 18:03:57 UTC  

Merkel is already "down" what you see on the news is just a bunch of trained ants piloting Merkel's skin

2020-01-16 18:07:32 UTC  

merkel is a state of mind

2020-01-16 18:07:39 UTC  

a filthy jewish state of mind

2020-01-16 18:11:37 UTC  

**_*...*_**__**_*STORY TIME*_**__*_**...**_*
in 2016, before trump won, in my roman catholic high school in west yorkshire, my year 11 class along with many other classes older and younger than ours were told to go to an assembly instead of class, In this assembly, a local Labour representative did a presentation on 'why trump wont win' <:kek:590371888480387073>
in the presentation obvs there were points like 'trump isnt qualified' even tho the point is that anybody over a certain age should be able to run, not just people from certain schools, and she also said that Hillary should win because she is a woman etc, but the peak was when she said, and I quote, *"any one who votes for trump or the conservatives is basically a nazi"*, she said this casually/giggly, as if she was expecting people to think she was so funny woke and right, as would happen in her SJW safe space circles, but instead everybody laughed at her, and by the end of the presentation she asked people to put their hand up for who they would vote for, and more people put up their hand for trump than they did at the start <:kek:590371888480387073> , she literally red pilled lots of the students, and because of this, the teacher that invited her had to walk her off because she was about to cry. However I thought her work wasnt done, so to redpill my class, in the 4 mins we had left of Biology, I convinced my teacher to let me put on the 'Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes' video for the class, and the gasps from the SJW leaning girls when hilliary said 'I don't support gay marriage' on TV, were audible <:kek:590371888480387073>

2020-01-16 18:11:46 UTC  



2020-01-16 18:14:13 UTC  

:regional_indicator_m: :a: :regional_indicator_g: :a: