Message from @MountainMan

Discord ID: 688017541410717777

I imagine he's off getting laid or something

2020-03-13 13:04:32 UTC  

He's still here tho right?

Not seen him

2020-03-13 13:06:33 UTC  


2020-03-13 13:06:41 UTC  

Bet Ashurian banned him


I dunno, the faggot mods would have to check the logs

2020-03-13 13:08:04 UTC  

nah he left

2020-03-13 13:08:05 UTC  

I think he ragequit over an abortion argument

2020-03-13 13:08:13 UTC  

I mean, fair enough

2020-03-13 13:08:21 UTC  

FitzyJew was the shield, I was the sword

2020-03-13 13:08:27 UTC  


2020-03-13 13:08:44 UTC  

nice pfp anon @WhipsHisNiggers

2020-03-13 13:09:16 UTC  

Thanks king. I'd post some other cool ones but I'll probably be banned when (((THEY))) scroll up

2020-03-13 13:09:18 UTC

2020-03-13 13:33:14 UTC  

homosexual esoteric hitlerism 😳😳

2020-03-13 13:35:10 UTC  

Forgot about that. FUCK

2020-03-13 13:35:57 UTC  


2020-03-13 13:36:04 UTC  

you’re welcome habibi

2020-03-13 13:36:52 UTC  

You camel jockeys pretty cool, dont come to Aleppo on Mar. 13th, 2013

2020-03-13 13:38:03 UTC  

tfw Aleppo used to be super swag πŸ˜”

2020-03-13 13:38:43 UTC  

You europeans kinda cool don’t come to milan on march 2nd😳


2020-03-13 14:58:26 UTC  

top kek

2020-03-13 15:04:17 UTC  

I dont think Dankula deserved the popularity he got

2020-03-13 15:04:26 UTC  

Call me heretical

2020-03-13 15:04:32 UTC  

But the dude's a dumbass

2020-03-13 15:04:51 UTC  

and he's *way* into trap porn I can't even watch him

2020-03-13 15:05:40 UTC  

No wonder he has no kids and he's been married for a year

2020-03-13 15:06:14 UTC  

"Honey, can you dress up as a femboy and let me drill you up the ass?"

2020-03-13 15:07:12 UTC  

Well he did not want to become famous but the police did not get a joke and arrested him for hurting the feelings of the nazis

2020-03-13 15:07:43 UTC  

Yeah, if the UK didnt have such freedom of speech laws he'd be irrelevant.

2020-03-13 15:07:59 UTC  

But, stupid systems create stupid icons. <:kek:590371888480387073>

2020-03-13 15:08:41 UTC  

I think his stuff is entertaining enough, his discord is cancer tho

2020-03-13 15:08:42 UTC  

He had been just a security guard that made silly pug videos while jerking off to dude's with boobs

2020-03-13 15:09:36 UTC  

and now he is forced to milk the tube since nobody will hire him <:kek:590371888480387073>

Sue's having IVF

She does videos on it