Message from @presence
Discord ID: 530191060413054976
Loved the guy but Jesus
He did so to report it, but fucking sent the image himself
Is Papa Bear still here?
That’s next level autism
@antiven0m alternatively, you look like a 14 year old boy who has just hit his growth spurt, and whose weight has yet to match his height. Thus, he looks like a pathetic walking stick.
Or did he get yeeted too
that's been me my whole life
im 6`5"
I look like a specimen.
So I am correct.
@antiven0m you play a dangerous game sharing a name with the age old lolcow
No haudi for you soup
tex is alright
he's a cool guy
Has anyone else legit sucked dick for rank since I've been absent?
and thats a fact
Why am I so mean
im not upset
you can say anything about me ive heard it all
@Hob no way
@antiven0m I would become a feeder just to try to make you look even close to normal.
@shitzngigz you know Bow ties sucked dick to climb ladder right?
I’m new so no
Mods are bias
Wasn't judging
iv've gained weight
Just stating
We are not made equally