Message from @Hob
Discord ID: 530191490014773292
@antiven0m you play a dangerous game sharing a name with the age old lolcow
No haudi for you soup
tex is alright
he's a cool guy
alcohol is the shit
Has anyone else legit sucked dick for rank since I've been absent?
and thats a fact
Why am I so mean
@Soupmeme roid rage?
im not upset
you can say anything about me ive heard it all
@Hob no way
@antiven0m I would become a feeder just to try to make you look even close to normal.
@shitzngigz you know Bow ties sucked dick to climb ladder right?
I’m new so no
here's a more recent pic of me
Mods are bias
Wasn't judging
iv've gained weight
Just stating
We are not made equally
fucking took me ages to find
So you're skinnyfat. @antiven0m
@antiven0m Get some man titties
and become a sumo wrestler
I need rogaine lol
That's even worse than twig.
Coat tails didn't get rank from cow though, and he specifically didn't vote for her scat cause Co flict of interest
My old PFP
not skinnyfat
I work out
If there is one thing Lolfire did it was get drunk, rage and then pass out in VC