Message from @Lyra
Discord ID: 530411358685102080
Yeah it looks like he has a knuckle or long fat finger 😆
Nah his foreskin is all stretched out
Ah...I see. Well, it would be very rude for me to criticize your sexual preferences but I'm sorry to inform that I don't...swing that way. @Hammond_of_Texas
you can keep your photos to yourself if you want
And so the head of it makes it look like a knuckle
wtf are white people doing
Well glad you could explain an old man penis to us, thank you @Hammond_of_Texas
analysing dicks Jim
Yes, it was very informative to say the least
It's just about the strangest photo on my camera roll and im continuously confused by it
Like what's with the black guy
That's rank man
i kinda like his tattoos lel
He's obviously got his arm around the old man there like he was trying to do something and then realized someone was taking a photo and freaked out
it's the perfect crime dude
i don't want to eat anywhere where the employees are into futa
those are the degens that will cum in your mcmayo sandwich
ten bucks says firewing made that
dont need me no willydelphia
whats a firewing
nor any hedam
Ew. I didnt need think about that one jim
@SpaghettiFan123 oh hey firewing
Oh, christ
I am a simple extended pasta enthusiast