Message from @cig mouse
Discord ID: 530659862418292746
@cig mouse Kys furfag
@MoonEyes you actual mong
Poor things didn't deserve it
i deserve it mate
trust me
i'm a whitey with no rightys
You're an actual fucking furrie
Yea, I didn't break a rule
Fucking hell
but hah
real shit hours in text chat
it's just banter mate
you whining? @MoonEyes
that also works I guess
its still a rule form
i haven't seen the thunderdom been used yet
You're half there @Deleted User
Just like your erections
@Deleted User That's not a furry pfp, Jamie.
It's the Emperor from 40k with a bowsette crown
and massive chebs
That's still fucked up
Which is... better or worse? Guess it depends on your tastes.
def better
i see furry
@MoonEyes Since you are a disabled fellow, I will help you out. Consider this affirmative action.
"This is a big server, channels get busy, if <#418492114679365643> is busy don't start posting out of context memes n shite, try to keep the content you are posting relevent to the convo going on. Being a sperg like this will likely earn you the gulag (Higher ranks have a scaling leniency on this)."
I mean it's a skeleton, it objectively does not have fur
this server is truly godless
@Monsoon 🌧 we have a god
@AK skelly counts