Message from @Eddie
Discord ID: 531449307396702218
@Octavia you still in pain
Hello everyone
@V3xxed_G1raff3 lol yeah
Hi edddie
Must taste acidic
Must taste like fish.
wonder if craw would hate it???
@Tailed Feature oh hey, my bf was lying in bed giggling at your channel intro instead of taking a shower this morning
eh, pussy tastes great if they arent unhygienic sluts
this is getting out of hand
Stop posting caps from your dm white nigger
🤷 @heatherman I wouldn't known
@ORK grunt <#418492743547879427>
he was kicked from here like 15 mins ago for being a drunk shitposter
@Eddie sorry
LOL dont apologise i sat and watched it with him
@heatherman just ignore the sperg
"tailed is a bit too masculine for me" - dank
should i get one of these
What does it do
its a hard drive
stores 14tb
Do you need 14 tb
it would be nice though
Then no
@Eddie I put that in there because people reckon Dank would pump me in prison.
dank would pump anyone with a midly girlish figure
That hard drive would probably die before you filled it for normal use