Message from @Spirit

Discord ID: 531505336008441877

2019-01-06 16:08:13 UTC  

the only thing hard to find is this fuckin CIA document

2019-01-06 16:08:15 UTC  

tex is a mere level 3 Truth agent

2019-01-06 16:08:18 UTC  

@Potato Man post a link, this is a text for ants

2019-01-06 16:08:21 UTC  

Earth = Hot

2019-01-06 16:08:35 UTC  

@Capitalist Space Bats you have to open the original, it's a fuckin huge image

2019-01-06 16:08:58 UTC  

Tex is missionary from civ trying to give us +200 truthism

2019-01-06 16:09:03 UTC  

Yes, and the text is nigh unreadable because it got compressed to fit on discord

2019-01-06 16:09:07 UTC  

i'm approaching being a level 5 ***Animaster***

2019-01-06 16:10:01 UTC  

@T e x do you even know about the John Titor Project

2019-01-06 16:10:07 UTC  

I love how the iceberg memes are 95% bullshit

2019-01-06 16:10:30 UTC  

@Capitalist Space Bats you expect me to fix that how?

2019-01-06 16:10:50 UTC  

@Octavia climate change is happening naturally + man made, but the most affect man has is cloud seeding, not CO2 which is totally fine to have. Most of the air is CO2. But at the same time we should al be paying hand over foot to combat climate change. Its a mind fuck

2019-01-06 16:10:57 UTC  

i dont understand how this isnt obvious to everyone

2019-01-06 16:11:00 UTC  

it's literally 1029 x 6000

2019-01-06 16:11:01 UTC  

I thought you might still have a link to wherever you pulled the image from.

2019-01-06 16:11:15 UTC  

Green house gases are 100% hunkey dory

2019-01-06 16:11:19 UTC  

Tex do you even know that SETI is just a communications system to talk to our colony on Alpha Centauri

2019-01-06 16:11:35 UTC  

SETI is a slush fund to make up bullshit so people can make money

2019-01-06 16:11:39 UTC  


2019-01-06 16:12:04 UTC  

I don't get the fear regarding the G**lf mysteries

2019-01-06 16:12:26 UTC  

Might be fueled by schizophreniacs but hey

2019-01-06 16:12:28 UTC  

@Hammond_of_Texas Nvidia are such deepstate shills, the stole 30% of my 1080ti processing power to power SETI while it streamed intergalactic Futanari porn to the secret Democrat base on Saturn's moon Titan

2019-01-06 16:12:41 UTC  


2019-01-06 16:12:45 UTC  

ah same

2019-01-06 16:12:46 UTC  

Tex im the head of Stargate command, youd be smart to listen to what I have to say.

2019-01-06 16:12:56 UTC  

mockery again

2019-01-06 16:13:02 UTC  

what if im right and u are retarded

2019-01-06 16:13:05 UTC  

gouaould got that nigga

2019-01-06 16:13:13 UTC  

Then we had our fun

2019-01-06 16:13:27 UTC  

he got popped with a space gat

2019-01-06 16:13:28 UTC  

retards are easy to make laugh

2019-01-06 16:13:48 UTC  

Yeah. And retards are also crazy

2019-01-06 16:13:54 UTC  

What's your point

2019-01-06 16:13:54 UTC  


2019-01-06 16:13:55 UTC  

trust me i worked ina group home for several years

2019-01-06 16:14:02 UTC  

@T e x one of the key signs of low functioning autism is an inability to identify sarcasm and humour

2019-01-06 16:14:02 UTC  
2019-01-06 16:14:17 UTC  

Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence

2019-01-06 16:14:31 UTC  

i identify sarcasm and mockery but it isnt because its funny, its because you dont want to entertain the conversation

2019-01-06 16:14:32 UTC  

So a money sink

2019-01-06 16:14:35 UTC  

its similar to what niggers do