Message from @Bonk
Discord ID: 532178258402213889
@Dazzie bc you arent md anymore duh
i'll look into that later
looks comfy ngl
@V3xxed_G1raff3 nice link to Korean music, is good
@V3xxed_G1raff3 nice job with he gay joke very mature, and you try and criticize me.
Oh right razzie works 3 jobs
nah im just asking how old you are @Turbo_Moist
It's just uppity cartoons. No need to shit a bollock.
@V3xxed_G1raff3 stop
my entire soundcloud is edgy shit, hard metal trap etc
edgy nigga
@Hatter get some chill vibes on there
chill out m'dude
there is some chill on there
needs ice
if i'm feeling edgy, i'd just play some good ol' BFG division
the title says otherwise
It's a song that was made from a 7 second vine
the guy doing the 'dead and cold ' part of it is a fuck boy
and a royal soy nigga
but his voice nice
@Limmat not enough
Minon scat
deep fry that steak