Message from @Tewdrig

Discord ID: 532896837103779840

2019-01-10 12:13:39 UTC  

nah just tie a foot to a wrist and they wont climb anymore

2019-01-10 12:13:53 UTC  

i'm just looking at my mess of a house, with it's open cased computers (turned on), bookshelves and pieces of equipment lying around and remembering

2019-01-10 12:14:31 UTC  

i mean the other option is adoption....

2019-01-10 12:14:41 UTC  

move the poisons in the cupboards up, empty out the ground level cupboard under the sink

2019-01-10 12:15:09 UTC  

Ah, that's a good idea. Swap the kitchen sink shit to the cupboards and vice versa

2019-01-10 12:15:18 UTC  

I'll do that tomorrow

2019-01-10 12:15:31 UTC  

make sure you get into the habit of turning saucepan handles inward instead of letting them hang out for easy manipulation

2019-01-10 12:15:41 UTC  

He's not that tall yet

2019-01-10 12:15:46 UTC  

fucking thankfully

2019-01-10 12:15:51 UTC  

but he will be by the time you get the habit down

2019-01-10 12:16:29 UTC  

even when they can talk they sometimes grab something they see, even if they know it's dangerous

2019-01-10 12:17:02 UTC  

one of my friends kids used to run up and touch dog shit

2019-01-10 12:17:13 UTC  

of all things

2019-01-10 12:17:16 UTC  

knowing full well it was dirty

2019-01-10 12:18:22 UTC  

if you clean out under the sink of all poisons, don't put breakables in there

2019-01-10 12:18:46 UTC  

get a bunch of plastic things for him to play with in the kitchen

2019-01-10 12:19:09 UTC  

man half my cookware is glass, the rest is cast iron. If he can sort the ratshit from the buckwheat enough to break the glassware, GG, well done, he wins that one

2019-01-10 12:19:17 UTC  

even if he starts banging on stuff with a wooden spoon and making a racket, it's still better than having him under foot

2019-01-10 12:20:22 UTC  

make sure bathroom toys and any other bathroom objects have a clear difference from each other in where they're stored, like no rubber duckies on the same shelf as shampoo kind of thing

2019-01-10 12:20:56 UTC  

that's a psychological trick

2019-01-10 12:21:46 UTC  

ah, that's a good one

2019-01-10 12:22:31 UTC  

if he has a plastic knife to play with, pretend it's sharp like the real knives

2019-01-10 12:24:16 UTC  

someone gave us a baby cage, i inverted it and put it around my computer area so it was the only area that's off limits

2019-01-10 12:24:32 UTC  

cage, the fuck

2019-01-10 12:24:40 UTC  

yeah, people are odd

2019-01-10 12:24:46 UTC  

like the fence thing or full on top, bottom and sides cage?

2019-01-10 12:24:52 UTC  

fence thing

2019-01-10 12:24:55 UTC  


2019-01-10 12:25:02 UTC  

I had a dog kennel in mind

2019-01-10 12:25:12 UTC  

thought "jesus these brits don't fuck around"

2019-01-10 12:25:14 UTC  

sorry i wasn't clearer

2019-01-10 12:25:20 UTC  

i'm Australian

2019-01-10 12:25:27 UTC  

banished brit

2019-01-10 12:25:42 UTC  

vikingr brit

2019-01-10 12:26:00 UTC  

my family left on purpose

2019-01-10 12:26:46 UTC  

if you want to avoid screen fascination, turn screens away from his viewpoints so it's not a fascinating thing to look at

2019-01-10 12:27:12 UTC  

that also means when you're at the computer, you're facing into the room instead of turning your back

2019-01-10 12:27:42 UTC  

I don't know how the hell I'll tackle that one, I'm in enough of a hell giving up vaping so he doesn't want to do that

2019-01-10 12:28:17 UTC  

Man... parenting sounds like there is so much to think about. I don't envy you guys

2019-01-10 12:28:20 UTC  

you probably have a few years of stress relief in vaping, it's relatively boring

2019-01-10 12:29:00 UTC  

tbf, i overanalyse a fair bit but it leads to some interesting solutions