Message from @Cloudy
Discord ID: 288737124251860992
not even surprised
Fucking hell
So the CIA was trolling the FBI by false flagging as the ruskies?
>mfw this is the equivalent of /pol/ raiding another board and blaming it on /a/ or some shit
Except the consequences of a 4chan raid are more piss in a ocean of piss but the consequences of this is a potential world war.
Plus it could also be considered treason.
>the CIA took our trolling tactics and escalated them
>CIA pretends to be Russia when hacking
>CIA anonymously accuses Trump of working with Russia
>"""Russian""" hackers hack some shit
>this is used against Trump
>CIA has literally framed their commander in chief.
Night of the long knives when?
Sooner than any of us may think
Cia is very good at fighting itself
>everyone was saying wikileaks was CIA
>wikileaks shits on CIA
>implies CIA acted as russians during hacking
>CIA shits on russia
>The deep state now implies everything is controlled opsition
>even /pol/
You are all big guys.
i hope trump shuts it down
They're with the mercenary, the man with the mask
some OC
How much should these normally go for and will we need any?
still here joe?
Backboards are pretty expensive
I don't think we'll need any
t. EMT
BTW good progress has been made on the gear list
Check it out and add suggestions in this thread
hey bro
I can't send pictures